Oct 12, 2005 20:17
Life SUCKS. (Prepare for rant folks).
1. I'm literally beyond in debt, i owe 375 dollars plus 189 dollars plus 155 dollars by, oh friday, and i have roughly 190 dollars...and i only have two red pepper shifts in the next 5 days. I'm literally screwed.
2. My land lord kevin thacker just FLIPPED HIS SHIT about every damn thing in this house, none of which is our fault, but is his. Which, btw he should have the sympahty to realize that this place is unlivable and that he owes US money. But he doesn't, he just keeps on saying "oh this looks great, this looks, really great" NO KEVIN, IT LOOKS LIKE SHIT.
Kevin's shit list:
a. My van seat on our porch, very comfy, he claims "Inappropriate"
b. Ticket he got for the carpet we left out for the trash people, not our
fault, they took half of it last time, and then fucked us with a ticket.
c. Ducts in the basement were all fucked up, not our fault, he's pissed.
d. Rent is late, due 12 days ago and counting.
e. A bunch of other senseless, unmeaningful shit.
3. Kevin thacker's place sucks, in heinzeit, we should moved to the other place, it's nicer and kevin thacker should SERIOUSLY be remodeling this place before anyone lives in it, it's unliveable, brett's roof leaks, the AC/Heater is broken, etc etc etc etc etc etc
4. We JUST subleted the other place of which we've been paying andadditional 695 dollars of, but not living in.
5. I hate my jobs. Kris is quitting red pepper, making the workload on brett and mine's shoulders again. GOD FUCKING DAMNIT
6. School SUCKS. I'm apathetic, pessimistic and bored. I'm not challenged in what i want to do with my life and there is no forseeable change in the bullshit that is academia at UC.
7. I have no time to film or play music, and i want pretty much only that in my life, and a girl, none of which are working.
8. I'm stressing out and my body is feeling the effects. I have no energy and i'm lathargic as hell because i don't want to face the day. I wish all life would shut up for about 3 months.
9. Nothing in the bearcast studio works. It's all fucked and it's impossible to do my show correctly and it pisses me off.
That's all i have for now. I'm sure there's more, My brain has just melted and i can't even think straight. I really wish i would have played music at a younger age and could be in a band right now. I find very little else that feels accomplishing or rewarding and that scares me.