Oct 22, 2007 09:56
My Energizing Power
O My child, I have waited long for your coming.
My eyes have grown weary with watching,
and My heart heavy with longing for you.
For I have said, “Rest in Me,” but you have striven.
I have said, “Stand still,” but you have continued to run.
I have called, but you have been listening to human voices.
Turn to Me.
You do not need to do more. For you will find
your quest ended.
Then you will see how futile has been all the struggle.
Like the sinner who misses the gift of saving grace
through absorption in good works,
so you, My child, have missed My sweet reality
in your frantic effort to please me.
As Martha in her desire to minister to Me forfeited
My nearness,
so you have done.
My child, I have need of nothing. I desire only your love.
Give Me this first always, and whatsoever service may follow,
you will then do with light feet and a heart set free.
Abandon to Me your whole being,
and I will then work in and through you in such a way
that even as I am using you,
you shall simultaneously experience My energizing power;
so that in the very process of giving,
you will in very truth receive even beyond what you give,
and will in each instance emerge richer and stronger.
There is no loss when you serve Me thus.
For when your life is wholly lost in My life, there is never
anything but gain.
As the prophet of old exclaimed,
“They go from strength to strength”
Only sin works death and loss. Righteousness works life and
So come first to Me.
Yes, come until the stream of your life
is swallowed up in the ocean of My fullness.
Then you will go, and you will give,
and in your giving you will never know lack.
The Lord is your shepherd, you shall not want.
For the kingdom of God is righteousness and peace
and joy in the Holy Spirit.