May 20, 2007 15:47
Today was an interesting day. Powerful. Expecting it, but also pleasantly surprised when supernatural things took place.
We woke up in the morning, got ready for church, and went to an all Arabic congregation. We had some friends there, who I can't really say their names because most of the congregation were former Muslims and, as you know from last night's post, unless the family decides to protect them, it is perfectly legal to murder them as a traitor.
But these people love Jesus.
It is pretty incredible worshipping in a tongue that most of the language is cursing His name. The service was pretty long, but to see how these people would give up everything, literally, leave their mother and brother and family behind, to follow in the Christ is incredibly powerful. It makes me think about how easy we really do have it in America. Where we simply grow up in it, and get bored with it, and keep it to ourselves out of comfort. At least I do.
These people go into homes to tell neighbors what Jesus has done in their life, and any one of the households could kill them. Its just incredible.
After the service we drove near Tel Aviv to meet with a group of people called Revive Israel and i LOVED it. They do it all. Life in the Spirit, calling on His power, evangelize, disciple, send... its all there. The only thing thats different is that they only are called to Israel. However, what Im learning is that... no one has a REAL definition of Israel. Its different for everybody.
Is Israel every believer? Is Israel only Jews? Is Israel only Jews that live in Israel? Is Israel Arab believers in Jesus? The list goes on and on, and truth be told.... every single person (or group) says something else. That is our missions greatest challenge. We want to reach the youth of Israel, (illegally if necessary) show them that Yeshua is the Messiah of God's promise, teach them how to develop into a FOLLOWER of Him, and then send them back out... But do we invest in Israelite Muslims? Do we reach out of Arabs? Do we reach out to Jews? To make it that much harder (and I hope I haven't lost you yet) every single one of the groups hates (and I mean hates, as in, thats what all the war is about) the other group and WILL NOT associate with anyone that associates with the other. Soo its been tricky.
Throw in the fact that we can't (legally) evangelize to youth under 18 under explusion, or arrest, and you can't (legally) hand out tracts as incentive for conversion, and we've got ourself in a pretty little pickle.
But God is with us.
Prayers are answered right and left.
People coming up to US being exactly the person we need to meet.
Miracles of healing and silencing of evil.
Visions and prophecies all for His glory alone.
That is what this trip has been.
That is what I wish to share with you... praise the Father.
Tomorrow we go to Bethlehem, closer to danger and war. Pray for us. We were praying tonight with some Muslim believers and tonight is a Muslim holiday of some sort where they get on a loud speaker and call for all Muslims to pray. We prayed that the voice would stop and the evil spirits be cast away and literally, right then, it stopped. Praise God.
10 minutes later...
BOOM!!! HUGE fireworks coming from the City of Jerusalem, right overhead in celebration of Shabaout. (Pentecost) But we realized. they just as easily could have been bombs.
So keep us in your prayers. I know, and i mean KNOW, that God is with us and that He is faithful to all that ask Him, so take the leap and just do it.
I am coming back soon. I can't wait to see you guys.
I miss you and love you in Christ.