morning fellas

May 18, 2006 09:20

***10 F A C T S**
1. Hometown: St. Petersburg, Florida
2. Hair color: brown
3. Hair length: short
4. Hair style: haha umm hats?
5. Eye color:brown
6. Shoe size: 14/15
7. Favorite color: blue
8. Sexuality: hetero, thanks
9. height: 6'4
10. Pets: Penguin and a dog, both stuffed

***10 L O V E L I F E***
1. Have you ever been in love? yes
2. Do you believe in love?: yes
4. Have you ever been heartbroken?: yes
5. Have you ever broken someones heart?: noticing a pattern here
6. Have you ever fallen for your best friend?: Yeah, I hear its the best.. but I wouldnt recommend it
7. Are you planning on getting married?: Wishful thinking
8. Are you afraid of commitment?: no
9. How many kids do you want?: umm 2-4 I suppose
10. Ever made out with someone of the same sex?: no

***10 T H I S -O R- T H A T S***
1. Love or lust?: love.
2. Soda or water?: water
3. Hook-ups or relationship?: relationships
4. T.V. or Internet?: internet, which is sad
5. Saturday or Sundays?: Saturday nights, Sunday mornings :)
6. Colored or black and white picture?: Colored
7. Phone or in person?: in person
8. High or Drunk?: Not really interested
9. Cali or Flordia?: Florida
10. Club or Party?: party, definetly party

***10 H A V E -Y O U- E V E R S****
1. Have you ever been caught sneaking out?: no, been caught sneaking in
2. Have you ever skinny dipped?: yes
3. Have you ever done something you regret?: Sure have
4. Have you ever bungee jumped?: not yet
5. Have you ever been on a house boat?: yes
6. Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker?: yes, is that supposed to be difficult?
7. Have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt?: yes.
8. Have you ever stayed up all night till the sun came up?: yes, not really the best situation, but it needed to be done
9. Have you ever been caught by your parents with a hickey?: no, the basketball team tho
10. Have you ever been caught by your parents doin more than makin out?: no, many close calls tho

***10 A R E - Y O U S**
1. Are you missing someone right now?: yeah
2. Are you happy?: always
3. Are you talking to anyone right now?: no
4. Are you bored?: I'm avoiding boredom currently :)
5. Are you German?: Ha.. no.
6. Are you Irish?:Partly
7. Are you Italian?:No
8. Are you Spanish?: Nada
9. Are your parents still married?: yes
10. Do you like someone right now?: Very much.. despite all efforts
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