Jun 11, 2004 16:01
WE just got into a fight over the phone about the stupid dog that you are forcing me to care about
Your never just greatful for me.....I could be one of those kids that does drugs and roams the streets but no you tell me how much of a horrible person i am and i don't respect you well mom i wouldn't call you when i was leaving or ever tell you where i was going if i didn't respect you so you think i don't love my family and all this your wrong and i wish you would just stop saying it I cleaned the entire house for you and not even a week later you are complaining how i never help you out whatever mom why don't you stop critizing me all the time and tell me that your proud of me for once I am not perfect I have malfunctions mom you telling everything i do wrong is going to push me to give you something that's wrong about me just stop and look at how much of a good person i am before you complain about my faults. I guess I am never going to be good enough in your eyes for you to be able to go one week without telling me how disrespectful i am when i'm not Just be proud of me oh well guess i can't change you no more than you can change me.
So my mom and i just got into a fight and this is what i wrote her. I just don't understand why she always has something to complain about she makes me feel like such a horrible person when i know i am not why are moms like that i dont know