Jun 03, 2004 23:43
Hey again, so since my last entry this is what happened. Sunday May 30th was Ryan's and mine's year anniversary. It was a pleasant day and to celebrate on Monday we went to seaworld my family and ryans mom and Lance tagged along. We had fun I rode Journey to Atlantis I had been on these things before and being afraid of heights i really hate the drops but i go on them to torture myself i guess. Anyway the first time my stepdad made me cry because he kept screaming and saying the corner we were turning was the drop or something so everytime i braced myself not being sure if he was right or wrong and putting yourself through that soo many times before the actual drop is exhausting. Anyway so we rode with these people who were hadicapped and they wanted to go again so thinking that we were with them the people let us ride again without waiting in line so with my face almost in tears from the first ride i had to ride it involunteery the second time without being able to calm my self down. Anyway i ended up riding it again one more time which was fun after that. Anyway seaworld was fun except my favorite night show at the end was canceled because one of the whales wasn't doing what it was supposed to but oh well. Wednesday Ryan got his car which is cool he gets his license tomorrow hopefully. I have had to wait a year for him to be driving me around instead of me. Thats what i get for dating a younger guy i suppose (oh well i still love him) Thank goodness he is only 8 months younger imagine if he was younger how much longer i would have to wait UGH!! Anyway he got a sidekick it's a cute little SUV like car I like it i just wish he would of looked around a little more before he just settled anyway i am going to get off this topic.
The other day i read that Micheal is over Veornica you know they had a whole little fight over the Journal comment thing i found it funny. My whole thing is i am torn between the two. Veronica being my lil sis and Micheal being my B/f's cousin. So here's my take on it
Veronica: I love you just remember this. It was kinda wrong for you to lead micheal on the way you did but not wanting to hurt his feelings you just never answered his questions with a definite answer believe me i understand. I know micheal gets annoying but hey he's still a good guy and i think if you would of got pasted the desperate, annoying,(and other things) person he seems to be he would of been a wonderful boyfriend. But your loss not mine.
Micheal: You were very pushy with veronica. I understand how she couldn't hurt your feelings by saying no because then you would of threatened sucide and we all know how many times you have and havent' killed yourself. Which i am not saying your not being serious about it but it kinda gets old. Plus if you are a christian you know that you go directly to hell for sucide and you don't want that. Anyway you put yourself off as too desperate. Also you are constanly looking to date the "hot" girls when the "hot" girls not including veronica or ashley are usually sluts who want to date a bad boy that well cares about his looks a lot more than you do ( i am not saying your ugly). Anyway like i told veronica I think you would make a pretty good b/f but hey you have to get past the friend zone and in doing that you have to be less deseperate and dont pester them about it You'll find a girl obviously God doesn't want it to be Veronica
Okay i think i am done for today Love all you guyz
PS Danielle i am still praying for you girl hope you make it home safely