May 31, 2005 18:43
I can't tell you how many people said that to me this weekend. Or how many people I said it to. ALl I know is that I had the most fun I havea had in the longest time this weekend. I met cool people I will prolbably never see again. ANd i made friends with people who are going to come party at my house next weekend when my parents are out of town. Lets recap the events of DEMF '05
Hell yeha I get there with kim kim kimmy kim kim and her boy bill. I was a lil buzzed...but i knew that as the night went on I would only feel better and my smiles would grow bigger. I must've looked like a pill head cuz i can't tell you how many people came up to me asked me for pills. Maybe it was the glowstick ball. Maybe it was the dancing. It could have been those glitter sunglasses. I dunno. Maybe all 3.
I had a crazy time. I talked to so many people. I hugged so many people. I was Mr. Niceguy. My favorite person that I will prolly never see again was my candyflippin guy. He saw me post- glowstickjuice- in eye- truama. And he was so....present. Just was like 'dude what happened" I told him. "bad idea man". JUst like that. And thne we talked for like an hour and half about how great tech fest was. and about going to the afterparties. it was cool. And for the record: glowstick juice is bad for your eye. even when you mean to just poru it on yer head so yer hair will flow into yer eye. The after party was cool.
Tech fest again. didnt go to get fucked up just went to go see who was therer. I broguht along some supplies: binkis and a few vic's inhalers. Iwent and i danced. I talked to to people who were fucked up and I helped thme along. Those chewing on glowsticks, I gave binkis to. And then I gave them seabreezes. And told them to have a wonderful night. I got so many hugs that night. it was fun for me.
And then monday, I slept.
Anyways. I hope everyone who went to DEMF had as good a time if not better than me. And have a wonderful night.