Feb 03, 2005 17:27
Yupp so today was good i enjoyed it i guess i found out a couple of hotties are at my lunch. For one the one i like to watch work out then the love of my life then the kid who is wicked confusing but i knew he was there already. Hehehe but the love of my life is the hottest one. o0ops. Anywayz last night saw the hockey game we won 9-3 it was a good game. o0o yea kristi and amanda saturday my cousin is playing at conway against north wanna come?? lol....Im dum. Lol. Im not gonna like anyone right now like looking. Cause It's just not working out too good so until they/ HE comes to me im just gonna look. L ikemy fantasy guy and the love of my likfe hehe i know i WILL NEVER have a chance with either of them but hey who is stopping me from looking. lol no one. BUt yea tomoorw going to kristi and chillen then sleeping over amandas. Were gonna watch friday night lights. lol football players are soo hott...Then saturday my cousin is playing at conway against north so im gonna cheer him on. So yea its at 550.. hehe well im done later <3