I've decided that I actually really like to post things in here, SO I decided to write another post.
Classics... Oh god it's so boring, because of the amount of notes we've been writing I've decided to shorten them heaps, to the point of "great king=Super king". So when it gets to the end of the year when I have to look over my notes I'm just going to be like "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?" But atm, it's a lot better than writing notes. But all of my other subjects are fine, and I'm loving Japanese, our Japanese teacher is pretty awesome. we had a massive talk about out experiences with alcohol on firday...
I found my wallet! After looking around for it half assedly for a week, I decided that maybe I had left it in my bag... And it was... >>;
Well I think I should add a little bit of Reborn to this entry... So, I've started rping Bel in khrdressingroom. It's my first RP and surprisingly enough it is really fun. I'm currently super enjoying it, I'm thinking about joining more rps... But well... I have a feeling that they'll be really different from this one so I'm not sure if i should...
Now movie stuff. God i love movies. And Christin bale, he is actually like my favourite actor. I watched American Psyco last night, and oh my god that is a brilliant movie. I would almost say its one of his best movies. but i do love him in The Machinest, and he is awesome in Batman Begins. But he really is one of the best actors in this generation.
So, American Psyco, I really enjoyed it. I really like the narration, I think it was my favourite part. And there are a few awesome quotes in it, like "You're a fucking ugly bitch. I want to stab you to death, and then play around with your blood." I lol'd. but the camera angles and stuff were awesome, and the last shot was perfect. I love how it left you questioning whether he killed anyone or not... I think he did kill a few people, but not all of them.
So movies that are coming out soon: 3:10 to Yuma. I'm keen for this, It's got Bale and Crowe, you know it's got to be good. I actually know nothing about it at all other than its a western I really want to see There Will Be Blood, I'm going to try and get to it on sunday. Hopefully I can and hopefully it lives up to all of the rave that its been getting unlike not country for old men... Those are my main ones at the moment. I'm a little iffy about seeing Jumper. I mean it looks pretty cool, but I hate Hayden. So much. So, so, so, so, so, so, much. So I don't think I will.
Well thats it... I think I should write some more fanfiction. I want to write a 59L one. It would be awesome. It's actually a good pairing...
but I want to write more for like every other pairing too. Well we'll see how it works out.