I know. wow I'm posting something that doesn't have anything to do with Reborn. I seem to be on this huge Reborn high that has lasted a lot longer than all of my other highs.
Well, the reason I'm making this post is because LJ is about journals, So I may as well write some school stuff in here. Good old school, but there will also be alot of ranting about TV shows in this post, because I love my tv shows.
So I think I should start with my tv rant. So, my favourite show atm: Lost. God i love it. I know that heaps of people have just decided to go off it because it was going no where, but this latest season really brought it all back to me. I also know people have been saying that the quality of the series has been declining as the seasons went on, I however disagree, Season 1 was brilliant, not many people question that. Season 2: imo the worst season, didn't really do much... But I did love the finale, and it introduced Desmond who really is one of my favourite characters. Season 3: I became a little questionable at times... But there were really subtle things that made me love it (Clockwork Orange referance? Brilliant) And the finale? At first I hated it, but then I thought about it and realized how awesome it was, even if they did kill off my favourite character :( Charlie you were so cool. And now with Season 4 I'm really liking the idea of Flash forwards, and the fact that only 6 people get off the island seems a little strange to me... But I suppose I'll see how it plays out. I'm also interested in what Penny has to do with everything and Michael's return, which I'm hoping we'll find out this season (It was promised to us!) Oh and Zoe bell is staring in it! Good old New Zealanders! There's quite alot more that I'm hoping to happen, but thats all I'm waiting for at the moment. As much as I do love Lost, I am still aware of the fact that it moves as fast as a snail.
Now, second rant. More tv shows. Boston Legal. Oh god. I love this show so much, last season I was thinking it was getting a little stupid. But the new cases in this season have been really awesome so far! And I love the new english chick! She's so awesome! And super hot! And her case with the black man (I can't remember his name... I'm not trying to be racist...) was really sad, I almost cried watching it! almost. I'm not sure how keen I am on this new senior partner though, he annoys me a little. I would really like a follow up to the Fishing ep that got me into Boston Legal, it would be awesome.
This doesn't really count as a rant but: Heroes... Please come back on soon... I need you...
Now for School. I am currently loving Seventh form (last year of high school for those who don't use the same year system). It is brilliant, we get so many privileges. It's awesome. I'm also loving most of my classes. Japanese is just as awesome as last year, except I miss Rachel :( The class doesn't seem the same without her. Drama is lots of fun! We're all getting really excited for the school show right now! Like every one is! It's Grease. And I'm Leo, he's the leader of the scorpions (The rival gang to the T-birds) I get like no lines, but I still really want to do it, because he was my second choice. Oh yeah, but back to Drama, I miss Diane, Alex and Nick, why do they have to leave... Not fair... English is very similar to last year, I'm sitting in the exact same place, next to the exact same person. Which makes it awesome. Calculus: So far its really fun... I love it, the periods go really quickly too. Although that could be because we have penis wars, and don't actually learn much... Now. Classics. Oh How I love you classics. But oh how boring the classes are, I love everything we learn, I just don't want to be writing about it non stop... I seriously have about 90 pages of notes and we're only on week 4. WEEK 4! 90 NOTES! THAT ISN'T RIGHT! So yeah... those are all of my classes. They're pretty awesome. And I do love most of the seventh formers, they are pretty cool.
I also haven't really done it yet, but because I've just participated in like 2 friending memes, I should say hi to everyone new on my flist. So Hello, feel free to comment, I'd like to think I'm pretty friendly, I'm also pretty awesome. So you know... just drop a comment in... if you want...