Thanks right. I figured it would be good to write an introduction post. Introducing me. In case anyone stumbled across my page and thinks "hey this is one incredibly sexy page, the writer of this page must also be sexy. Why don't I friend them?" And of course that is the only thing they would think.
So... I'm a guy. One of the few that likes Reborn. I'm a huge support of het. That's right, I like my women. However I do support the odd BL pairing... So Yeah. My age shall remain a secret. But really I'm 17. I like to wrestle. I'm kinda good at it too. I'm quite keen on cosplay. And I rant about it a lot too. My likes include: Pie, cake, pie-cake. My dislikes include: Calculus, Exams, Calculus-exams. I'd say thats about all you need to know about me. I mean I'm really not that interesting. Actually that's a lie, I'm 100% interesting. And I'd go so far as to say I'm the coolest person on the internet. And that's god's honest truth.
Oh yeah, the reason why half my posts are still viewable to the public, is that I'm faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar too lazy to go and change all of them. And because I don't have a paid account I can't change all of them at once. So yeah, I haven't actually just abandoned the journal.
I think I'll do some thanking right now. Mostly to
wingweaver22 for the profile. But also to
thisiscyrene for the pictures used in the profile. I think that's about where the thanking stops. Yeah. It does.
So on a scale of 1 to awesome, how was that introductory post?