So. I drew a picture. On Tegaki. It's of alice nine.. I'm going to put it behind a cut because some people might not wish to see it.
Yeah so there we go. Everyone can marvel at my awesome drawing skillz. Man I wish I had a tablet... It would make everything so much easier...
Any way... a little bit of a rant about a certain anime: Gurren Lagann.
God I love this series. So much. it's everything someone could ask for in a series: Boobs, mecha, awesomeness, good character designs, boobs, sunglasses and awesomeness. Oh and did I say boob? But really. It's awesome! I'm thinking of making an AMV to it... but I need new speakers before I can do that... (One of them doesn't work so it really doesn't help...)
So... It's my birthday in 5 days. I'm super excited. My party will be awesome I hope. It's cowboys and indians. It's going to be super cool. BUT what I'm really looking forward to is getting my flash card... and playing Phoenix Wright. I really want to play it. So bad... And I can finally play all of the other games... Oh man I cannot wait... I also suspect that my parents may have brought me an iPod... which I wasn't so keen on. But I think I can come around to the idea. But yes. My party is going to be awesome. Well I hope it is...
Oh alice nine. I love you so much. Mirror Ball is such and awesome song. And the Eraser pv is awesome. The mirror ball one not so much... Well it is. But it lacks Nao. AND OMG NAO YOUR HAIR! IT'S SO LONG! WTF! IT'S SO STRAIGHT TOO! WASN'T EXPECTING THAT! ANd Hiroto I swear your hair is pink... Well all in all I like Mirror Ball. Imo it's better than all of the songs off Alpha. Infact so was Tsubasa and Ruri no ame. I hope they're on the next album, they really are good.
Ajikan. I have yet to reate your new album. normally I would have listened to it about 20 times... But I like songs on shuffle now... But I'll probably come back to you. Neoteeny is the best song of the album imo.
This post was going in lots of different directions. Not sure why... Sorry.. You guys can just kip it if you want...