Live Journal

Mar 09, 2006 00:35

Hello world, i am thinking about restarting this thing again. First thing i want to say is that i am not a fan of pringles containers. Why? you may ask, well because they are f-ing small. Like i bet some people are like, "oh i have heard this bit before, you know you get your hand stuck." well no that is not where i am going. Actually to be more specific i only hate pringles cans when i have a scab on the top of my hand. Now see a few days ago, specifically sunday for anyone that care, i got a slight cut on the top of my hand. So i was reaching into my pringles can today and i go to pull out and RIP, oh yeah the can just tugged on my poor little cut. And that is why i hate pringles cans. Also i have not had pringles in a long time, and they definetly fall into Tom's yoo-hoo syndrome. Just not as good as i remember. Also i just turned Tom's standup bit into a syndrome. In the future if there is ever anything that is not as good as it used to be we can just call it Tom's yoo-hoo syndrome, or may be just Tom's syndrome.

Secondly, i posted some kilroy sketches, and i am flattered by the voting so far. Who ever the one person that is voting, they think i am really funny. Come on an 8 on the sketch "Mother", haha if you say so. Although i think holidays could be awesome, but that is just me. We will see. GET BIG!! thats what i say, comedy festival this term, so go big or go home.

Another topic, that new shakira song, yeah, i love it. But that song will fall into Tom's syndrome for sure. But for now it is great.

Another topic, i have homework due tuesday. Yup that is right, the first day of class there is a homework assignment, we havent even had one class yet. Come on that is just lame. But the prof will be like, "it is just molarity, and pH, that material is elementary my dear." Also that class is 9 hours a week, right now we have two 3 hour labs, and a 3 hour conference/lecture. I really really hope that i will not need to sit through a 3 hour lecture. I think any class that is 9 hours a week should be worth 2/3 of credit. That would be sweet. Also for any of you that were wondering there is a good chance this term will blow balls. Ready listen to this. So i am taking 4 classes, because i did bad last term and i am making up for it this term. So yeah this term i am taking BB2002 Microbio, BB 3920 immunology, CH4150 Experimental Biochem, and EN2222 Theartre workshop. So the classes by themself should not be that tough, well CH4150 will be, but when i put my schedule together i will be in class as follows.

Monday 11:00-12:00, 12:00-1:00, 4:00-5:00
Tuesday 8:00- 11:00,11:00-12:00, 12:00-1:00, 4:00-5:00
Wednesdy 12:00-1:00
Thursday 8:00-11:00, 11:00-12:00, 12:00-1:00, 4:00-5:00
Friday 8:00- 11:00, 11:00-12:00, 12:00-1:00, 4:00-5:00

So on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday i have class from 8:00 am until 1:00pm. I will like have to bring a paper bag lunch and eat it during my BB2002, or just not go to that class. So keough if you are reading this, i may miss BB2002 sometimes, and it will be up to you to teach me anything i do not know.

Another topic, this friday Conan O'Brien is doing a special on his trip to Finland. I know i will be watching it. For anyone you that watch the cone zone, he looks remarkably like the president of finland, who is a women, but they do look a like. Amazing, you cannot write material that good.

Ahhh,...... hmmm, ..... i thought i had another topic, but it just is not really coming.... oh yeah, i remember now. But i will not remove that sentence, because i am all about stream of thought when i write this stuff. I was planning on writing about what i have done this vacation. Although this entry is kind of long i will write about it anyways. I dont have a life in lynn so it will not take long. HAHAHA .... ha.... yeah. I came home sunday, saw kerrie for a bit, went to papa ginos, did some talking, it was good. Monday i did nothing, actually i slept in until 1:00 then took a nap from 4:00-5:00, good stuff. Tuesday i got a hair cut, so now i am good for another 5 months or so, today i had lunch with my mom. Done!!

Until next time, goodnight, sweet dreams.

Ryan Sinapius
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