Dreams of Late.

Jan 08, 2011 08:52

So, this week has been a source of very weird vivid dreams. I mentioned one on my Facebook the other day, but I'd like to jot them all down. These things are usually very surreal to read again after some time has passed.

Okay, this is more than a week ago, about a month, I dreamed of a book in which a little boy got sucked into a world by an evil sorceress and was adopted by a band of theives. His companion guiding him through the land was a cat named Chesterfield who wore a blue tricorner hat, and a green pea coat. I distinctly recall that when the boy asked Chester whre they were he replied "Halfway between Oodle Poodle and Poggy Oddle."

I was having dinner at the table with Mom when our cats got in front of my plate and I could hear their thoughts. In childish singsong voices they kept repeating "We are two adorable kitties." while staring at me.

(Note: This dream went on FOREVER. I literally woke from it at least three times, went back to sleep and the dream picked back up.)
Taylor and I went to a one day con in Toronto. It sucked and we got separated, and I remember staring down at him from the balcony, he was watching some sort of floor show and David had found him. Eventually we decided to just leave the con (David vanished from the narrative at this point.), and thought we'd go visit Cass.
I woke up at this point.
When I went back to sleep Taylor and I had returned to the hotel room (the narrative did not reveal if we'd visited Cass or given up.) and I went into the bathroom and the tub was frakin' epic. It was like a spa in a there, so I announced I was going to take a bath. Taylor rented a movie.
I woke up before managing to take my bath. :(
When next we returned the hotel room had somehow grown a kitchen. EPIC kitchen. Literally the next part of the dream was Taylor and I eating pretty much everything in sight. This kitchen was better stocked than a restaurant and a grocery store combined.
Woke again.
Within the dream I woke up in the hotel room and decided to have breakfast which involved two types of french fries and deep fried banana cream pie. (there was also deep fried key lime pie available. Actually there were at least four different types of pie, but I can't remember them now.) At this point Taylor woke up too, and joined me in Epic Kitchen. Apparently from his magically adjoining hotel room Taylor's brother entered our room, (yeah, no clue what he was doing there in Toronto with us.) picked up one of the food wrappers off the floor and told us it had a price sticker on it. Ho shit. Apparently dream Courtney and Taylor had overlooked the fact that food and drinks inside a hotel room tend to cost money. I permanently left the dream before getting the bill, but a conservative estimate of what Taylor and I had spent on food would be in the neighbourhood of $400.

This is the dream I wrote about on Facebook. Professor LAyton and Young Luke were on an ocean liner in the middle of the night when the cracks in time from Doctor Who appeared in the sky. After some tidal waves and various sloshing about the ship was pulled through a time distortion and completely wrecked. Luke managed to get in a life boat and sailed toward the time crack. It started to shudder, at which point he stuck his arms out and through the magic of perspective placed his hands around the time crack and tore it apart, tearing out most of the sky simultaniously.

Last night before work I dreamed once again that Taylor and I were at a con, only this one was EPIC (see a theme here?) David Tennant was there and actually invited Taylor and I up to his hotel room. He thenrandomly revealled he was a closeted gay man tortured by his dual identity and desperately seeking the approval of his father. It sounds so ridiculous writing it down, but it was actually quite a touching scene for dream Courtney. (I feel bad for Mr. Tennant though, I didn't mean to dream that about him, no clue where it came from. My apologies.)

So those are my dreams of late. If I keep having more dreams like this I'll keep recording them.


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