Not a pity party

Nov 19, 2010 10:51

Okay, this post has nothing to do with pity, or wanting sympathy or anything like that, so it's not required, however, I just have to say I'm having one of those days where I feel like a waste of flesh. I think everyone has them. I'm sick, work's been full of suck, and I'm still coping with my anti-Christmas issues.
It's all just amounted to one of those unfortunate days when the only reasonable option seems to be crawling into bed and pulling the covers over your head. I'm gonna go do that. Well, kind of...Sherlock's on in a few minutes, so I'm gonna go curl up with my TV before sleeping for work. Hopefully when I wake up this black mood will have blown over.
We all have these kinds of days now and then, right?

real life

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