A series of unfortunate dreams

Nov 10, 2008 10:26

First Dream:
All I can recall is saving a boy who made cat scultures from a kidinapping attempt.

Second dream:
I was at the house of this gril who was doing a religious thing that I was invited to be part of along with another girl, but it was really weird. The religious ceremony was about putting needles just under our skin in various locations and patterns and then going about doing normal things while being in a state of constant pain in order to reach the next level of enlightenment (and to prove that my mind operates in gamer mode all the time: 99 was the maximum level of enlightenment you could achieve.) So we did that for awhile until I actually got the point where I kinda forgot I was in oodles of pain. I removed the needles from the head girl while she removed the needles from the third girl and then it was my turn...and as she was busy pulling the crisscrossy patterns of needles from my calves her parents came home and freaked out on us, WHILE I WAS STILL A PINCUSHION. I still had several dozen needles all over my body, including shoved down the gaps between my fingers, so we're having this epic screaming arguing thing with her parents while she's pulling all these needles from me. (For the record they were those sewing pins really, y'know with the little coloured balls on the end to stop them from going all the way through your fabric...or skin...)

Third dream:
I was a spy and for the current mission they requested I go undercover as a guy and I was like uh...I have really long hair and boobs. So they made up this weird torso shirt that was actually really cool in how formfitting and realistically skin like it was, and then they cut off the back of my hair realllllly short and just left patch of long hair in the front to flip over my right eye very emo-ly. After which I was just like...."Um, okay, I can remove the shirt to get rid of the disguise but you just BUTCHERED MY HAIR. Thanks."

Fourth Dream:
I was at school again and I was trying to get out so I ran into the girls bathroom thinking I could escape out an emergency door or something, but for some reason there weren't any stalls and along the walls were these contraptions you would literally have to stand in to use and I was really freaked out when a boy ran in and tattled on me, but at that point I was happy enough to just back out of the room slowly.

Fifth Dream:
All I recall is a couple of speedboats half submerged in water engine first attached to a rundown building being guarded by some drug runners. I encouraged them to steal the speedboats and one guy jumped in the swampy water and just tugged the boat out with only his hands. We then stood around discussing the foul weather and the pros and cons inmplicite in guarding a rundown building full of drugs.

Sixth Dream:
I was in A weird Japanese themed living room with Shannon and the boy who made sculptures of cats for a living. I think we were watching Charmed....

Seventh Dream:
All I remember is being in a music store full of harps. I recall that Kate was there, along with Heather and Rebecca (two other girls I went to Girl Guides with and who were once really good friends of mine) Kate was really going to town on a tiny harp she was trying out and I sat on a bench next to Rebecca who was crying 'cause she was a really great harp player and couldn't play hers anymore 'cause her hands were too scratchy. (at chich point she rubbed her hand across my cheek, and yes, it was like freaking sandpaper.)

Eighth and Final Dream:
A demonic entity had possessed the back room of this masion sized shack I was living in, and I was in the back tool shop when it appeared set on vengence, but the thing is it was shaped like a long strip of white plastic, so we tried to stop it from getting into the rest of the home by cutting it or pulling it apart, but it wouldn't actually break even if I pulled it so that it was no thicker than a human hair, it just kept getting longer and creeping out into the shackmansion even if I tried to gather it up. The toolshop worker and his assisstant were trying to cut it or use tools to stop it but it wasn't working. I left the room and pulled out some insulation around the window and popped it out with the help of Horatio Caine and we escaped out the opening and ran of along the road looking for help. Meanwhile in the tool shop the girl assisstant had figured out that if this substance was so strong she should sharpen her tools on it first and then cut it, which worked. It was kinda too late though as the thing had spread throughout the house. Elsewhere Horatio and I were wandering through a rather beautiful sunny glen with lots of trees when I got a call on my cell phone only to find it was the boy who made cat sculptures from previous dreams and he had been kidinapped (sucessfully this time) by the plastic demon and was about to be killed. Apparently he was now my boyfriend, or at least that's what I told Horatio, and we dashingly headed back to save the poor guy.

That's when I finally woke up once and for all and was like 'Gee, I really need to write this shit down.' I usually have a couple of dreams per night, but eight is a bit much. I wonder what's up though with the boy who made cat scupltures and why he kept appearing over and over in my dreams....

dreams, whafook

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