Oct 31, 2008 07:27
I was up somewhere northern with my team investigating a death of a man in an automobile, we were waiting when the killer came up wearing the clothes and blakets he'd stolen from the body. Eventually we cleared things up there and got into our car to drive back where we came from as the sun was starting to just barely paintt he sky red infront of us. We turned down one road we had to go along, casually bantering when we noticed that there were a whole bunch of boards on this road with nails sticking up. This seemed to be the only road we could use, so most of us had to step out of the car and start pulling boards out of the way. Then dozens and dozens of stray cats started coming to us and the last thing I remember is falling to my knees and crying my eyes out because I couldn't pet them all and give all of them the love they needed.
I woke up then feeling fairly traumatized.
And one odd thing, this morning I realized because of the whole thing with pronounciation and the Petit Project/Colbert Report thing...I don't know how my name is actually meant to be pronounced. Courtney is a French name but when peopel say it it does sound French or reflect the way the French pronounciation usually goes...
So yeah...How was Courtney actually pronounced once upon a time?? Cour-neh? Yeek.
I hereby authorize weird pronounciations of any and all words.