
Oct 04, 2008 03:48

The most hilarious thing?
I know that by tomorrow I will will fell SOOOO embarassed about how drunk I was last night! I'm still drunk right now, and about 10 minutes ago I was all but falling over in Kate's driveway with Taylor, but for the life of me I can't even recall what was so funny except that it soooo was! What was funny???
Oh gods amm I drunk or what??
Does this ruin the fact I had a really great day? I hope not, I had a lot of fun so I hope others did too. I hope they don't think less of me for getting drunk, and I want to buy Kate a drink to repay her for the Jaggermesiter.
I really amm sorry guys, or at leas I will be tomorrow if I remember most of this.
I totally need Doritos now.


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