Sep 17, 2008 15:07
Firstly, there's going to be another series of Fullmetal Alchemist. It is confirmed. Wow. Considering how the first series ended I'm not sure if they're going to retcon it, start fresh, or just randoly pick back up in the middle of the manga plot, I mean...The anime changed some MAJOR plot points, so it'd be hard to reconcile the first series with any second series that endevours to follow the manga more closely....It is being produced by BONES again, which at least fills me with confidence since I like the look of most of their productions.
There's also a new Negima OAV series that will FINALLY feature Kotaro! I love you Kotaro-kun! It takes place during the Ala Alba story arc which has yet to be translated and released (legally) but the OAVs haven't been brought over here yet so I'm not worried. Plenty of time to catch up (although consideringh my feelings about half the English voice I want to put my ears to such torture??)
There is little new info about Haruhi season 2, and I know there's yet another Tsubasa OAV coming out sometime, but I do't know anything more than that. There was also apparantly yet ANOTHER Naruto movie that came out back in August? How many freakin' movies does that series have?? *tired of endless Naruto*
Well, that's all my productive day of anime searching has netted me. Gee it's fun being sick *drowning in sarcasm...and the fact she still can't breathe through her nose*
I will be making my online orders for Christmas hopefully by mid October, so you have a four week deadline to get me a Christmas list *SHE IS MOSTLY STARING AT TAYLOR WHILE WRITING THIS* (Very sorry to Ashley for bringing up the whole Xmas thing again. Courtney would have you note she enjoys cookies, cupcakes, muffins and an assortment of delectable baked goods. Just not oatmeal. She does not enjoy the oatmeal...or raisins...other than that she isn't fussy, she promises...except for carrotcakey things, she isn't fond of them either...shutting up now before this list becomes overly long...)
REMEMBER: Did you have the audacity to be born in December? Well, that certainly covers most of you, so make an extra big list!! Also, it must be discussed what are plans are for Christmas this year? We'll either have to pick a house, or think up something else we can do to gather and exchange. Why am I so anxious about Christmas this year?? I think there's some sort of residual anxiety leftover from the aftermath of last year....So anyways, keep these thoughts in mind, and also think up what we plan on doing for Hallowe'en! Courtney is happy to note that Hallowe'en is a Friday, and therefore despite the fact she is on holidays, Bones is not screwed over. (although since he'll be working the night before he might be tired, sorry 'bout that!)(Courtney should also warn Bones she still has one week left ofholidays up her sleeve to be played at any time, if there is a particular time he DOES NOT WANT to be forced to work her shifts, he should probably mention that soon...I notice you have hmm, was it October 18th off for something?? Can't recall the note clearly...anyhoo, it will not be that week! Also note, I can't take time off after the first week of December anyways, so it will be a week somewhere in November if I even choose to take it.)
I should probably go, I'm either taking too much cough syrup at the moment, or not enough. Guess I'll go take a few more teaspoons till I know for sure. Must sleep eventually too....
I have to sleep sitting up though or else I start to snarfle in my sleep and wake up even worse than before. I probably shoulda bought some vick's vaporub or some shit this morning, but instead bought three bottles of spaghetti sauce....first person to suggest I try slathering that on my chest in place of vaporub is shot.
Hmm, I said I was going, didn't I? I should probably do that...My fingers just keep on typing though. I think I'ma gonna watch some more Fatal Frame 3 playthrough. I can't find anyplace to buy it except for an EXORBIANT price on eBay, so I'll just enjoy the scares vicariously. I think the podcast I watch will be buying Silent Hill Homecoming at the end ofthis month, so I'll probably be watching that, or possibly if it does come out for both Ps# and XboX360 I might buy it or rent it and play it at Taylor's (would that be okay? It's not a definite) OH! I now also know why I want a PS3, the beautiful box iis NOT region coded!! I can buy me all sorts of authetic Japanese games for the playing. I even have a site bookmarked that lists Japanese PS2 games that work fina and dandy with her North American purchased PS3, so now I don't have to buy a Japanese PS2 to play my KHFinal Mix!! (which is good 'cause the cheapest I ever found a JPS2 was over 150 plus S&H, and since I want a next gen system eventually anyways, why buy a JPS2 and then buy a PS3 that can do all it's functions and more??)
Shit. I said I was going, right??
Damn it. I'm just lonely I guess today...
I'm gonna go now for sure, watch some Fatal Frame 3 and see if Ben's bought Ashley off me again. I'm in this intense bidding war and I'm sure as hell not going to back down! (It's surprisingly fun, especially 'cause I know who I'm constantly bidding against so it feels extra nice when I win! Off to purchase my friends. See ya!
real life,