The Next New Thing?

May 30, 2008 10:43

No folks. No it most certainly is not, so please stop treating it like it is.
What am I talking about? The next 'innovation' from the folks at Guitar Hero. (please note the air quotes.) What is this wonderous new idea of theirs? Wow, it's so nifty I can hardly contain myself! Get this folks, it's a drum set! OOOoohh! How inventive of them to come up with this new and exciting concept all on their own!
That's how all the people involved in their little drum demo video behave. They're all sitting around banging on drums and acting like Guitar Hero is the first to come up with this particular idea, which, duh, they aren't. Apparently everyone's having this neat little spot of amnesia about the perfect size of the Rock Band drum kit.
Yes, the two sets are different in that the guitar Hero set has only three pads down, and two more pads simulating cymbals, as well as that notoriously hated kick pedal. It's still just a fucking set of ripped off drums.
I'll be honest and say that if they weren't treating it like they were the first to have this concept I'd be fine and dandy with them makign a drum periphrial. I kinda always expected Guitar Hero to jump on the band wagon (har har) and start cooking up their own periphrials, either new ones, or copies of the ones already in play. I do expect a keyboard to come out eventually, and I would actually guess that much like the drum kit it'd be pretty damn close to actually playing a real keyboard. I'm not sure they'll ever try or bother to come out with woodwind or brass instruments because the whole blowing action isn't really conducive to rocking out. (Get your minds outta the gutters.)
Anyways, like I said, ths is predictable, it's just their attitude of having produced the new great idea that is baffling to me in it's entirety. Oh well, it's not going to stop legions of people from buying the stupid thing. One benefit though, this drum kit is wireless, so fewer cords snaking about to worry about, or trip over.

video games

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