Nov 07, 2005 22:09
today i've realized the generosity of people. and how, although i know not everything is fair, things are pretty much fair, as long as you allow them to be so. i mean, think about it, everything is only as bad as you make it out to be.
grades were due last friday.. and i thought i would be fine in chemistry.. suprise suprise, i was wrong. i had a 65.. after explaining to my teacher all that is at stake with me passing her class, she let me come in after school to make up zeros and things that i had missed when i was absent. when i finished everything, we found that it only raised my grade up one tiny point. seing that i was on the verge of possible tears (that i'm so thankful didnt fall today), she gave me a chance to pull my grade up to a 71. this may not seem like a big deal to you.. but when i think about it.. i have slept in her class more times than i can count on one hand, i have completely disregarded her homework assignments as if they dont matter, and i have shown her no respect, really, until i needed something from her; a passing grade. and she, still, greets me with a smile and calls me "sweetie".
MAN.. i have a lot of respect for people like that..
if i was my teacher.. i would have let me fail..
maybe thats why ill be teaching elementary MUSIC..??
on the other hand, i show no respect for my mother, simply because she shows none for me. the amount of repect i get from her is the amount of respect that i send back.. and get punished for.. imagine that..
so.. i might be grounded for a bit.. simply because i'm bull-headed.. and i can't show someone respect and kindness that doesnt show it to me..