Apr 18, 2008 09:24
Well I'll off to go see 88Minutes in about 40mins. It's my Birthday treat. (I get free admission too cause it's my birthday)
A Ben fix what more could a girl want. Oh right, the real Ben would be better, but I guess I'll have to settle for him on the BIG Screen.
real life
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Have a great Birthday !!. hugs Mwah
It was much better than I expected. Ben, reminded me of Ryan in it. I would never tell the ending.. but I will say it wasn't who I thought it would be.
And Ben on a Motorcycle, mmmm VERY HOT!
I shouldn't need to ask but how did our Ben hold up against Pacino?.Isn't Bens character central to the plot?.
I can only imagine Ben on a Motorcycle, mmmm VERY HOT!! indeed!! heeee
It focuses more on Al and 3 or 4 others.
Still any time Ben is on the screne is YUMMY
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