I fail at writing little stories. I fail at wit and humor where Tev does not. I'm not that witty and I can't really come up with totally awesome pwntastic humor stories to go along with whatever the crap I took a picture of at the time. :( Commentary will be sparse.
This is going to be nothing more than a very large picture dump to cover where I left off oh so long ago. Back with Reawaken, back on Staghelm, before my jump to Warfare on Blackhand three weeks ago. This is going to catalog up until around the 24th of September.
This was as far as Reawaken had gotten. Phase two/three transition, weapons dying, and the advisers being resurrected. Reawaken could not get farther than this point, no matter what we did. It was slowly getting better, but by this point we were seeing Kael maybe two nights a week if we were lucky. Most of the week would be spent dying to really stupid shit in Serpent Shrine Cavern, like Hydross, or Lurker Below. And dying to Lurker is like ... ... I don't know. It's bad. It's very, very bad. You either have to be totally stupid, or trying really hard to die on this encounter. After the raid leader tells you "now come on, it's not that hard to follow directions. There is no excuse to die to spout.", and dies himself on the next attempt, there is something horribly wrong. (*NOTE : Spout works like a backyard sprinkler. It goes in a circle, it goes slow, and to avoid it you need to hop in the water and dive under. He does this every 45s-1m or whatever, and is very very easy to avoid.)
It's also very sad that everyone is supposed to flask and food. Or pop elixirs and food. During our failboat attempts on Lurker one night I stopped wasting my money on popping shit. It was bad enough I had to pay repairs for this shit, and waste my time. I wasn't going to start wasting my consumables either. Third attempt at him, Lurker dies, and I did not elixir/flask. I do not know what to think of the outcome.
We (meaning Tev, our druid friend Atraxis (also originially from Transcend on Uther), and I) got horribly tired of the "All aboard the Failboat" that was going on nightly in Reawakens raids. I HATED leaving them. I hated it more than I can describe here. They were a great bunch of people, but the lack of focus drove us to app on another guild, on another server. Sorry Reawaken, but setting sail for fail every night was just not going to cut it for us, with the content we wanted to see and touch. From here on, is the cataloging of our adventures within Warfare on Blackhand for the past three weeks. Most of this is farm content for them, but it's still neat to see.
With Kael'Thas down and the second Vial in hand, it was time to give them up to the bitch outside of the Caverns of Time. It's Hyjal time baby.
Sadly, in the world of Mount Hyjal, I have no pictures of anything since the waves of mobs are exactly like the final campaigns in Warcraft III. It's non stop once you start the event, and it feels like you've just been tossed into the middle of an RTS. It's great. The only thing I have from Hyjal is after the first boss died, a cap of my dps. It's sad, I know. I was just impressed at how high it was, coupled with the fact that I kept up with Warfare's resident hunter (now class rep), Bobloblaw.
After Winterchill was made very dead, it came time that we were attuned for Black Temple. (as I said, not many pics of Hyjal, hoping to fix that sometime soon!) Black Temple is the cream of the cool, with constant epic music shifts, and just a totally all around kick ass atmosphere.
For some reason I don't have any of the pictures resized and converted that I thought I had for Naj'entus. Oh well. :( Anyway, you enter in through the sewer, fight Naj'entus, then exit out into a giant courtyard where you fight Supremus.
(Supremus is the dude I got my shiny xbow from.)
After supremus you actually start working your way into the depths of the Black Temple.
From the central area (think a giant rectangle with offshoots in the corners, with the entrance in the bottom center) you can head off in any of the four directions to get to bosses. We generally head for Shade of Akama, which is loltastic.
I don't have battle & kill shot on him since it was over so fast. The entire fight from engage to defeated (when we can get it to work) is about one minute. I'm not kidding. From there we generally head up and over to Gurtogg Bloodboil, which is challenging and fun!
No action shots on him because you'd mostly be looking at my fat cow butt. Especially since most of what I'm doing is shuffling back to get hit with his "area effect", and shuffling forward to rotate it on to another group.
Then it's Teron Gorefiend. Yes, that guy you let out in Shadowmoon Valley if you completed the Divination quest chain with the silly goggles that would net you a totally awesome hat. (At least horde side)
I was too busy being squished against a wall during my dps before I got Construct'd and died. So no actual action/death shots on him either. I fail lately. This ends the "Free Loot" farm portion of our show. At this point, Warfare was working on downing Essence of Souls. Which is a three part fight against the same mob changing 'emotions' (anger, desire, suffering) with little tiny ghost waves between the boss itself.
Suffering is phase one, Desire is phase three, and Anger is the final phase. Anger sucks. >O
We actually killed it. Which was funny as all fuck for our first kill.
This kill reminds me of a kill from a time long past. A time months ago when I was on Uther, dying to bosses with Transcend.
For those that don't remember, or never saw this screenshot....
I miss Transcend. Alas. Anyway!
After Essence of Souls was made very dead (as well as most of the raid!) we decided to press on to check out Mother Shahraz. We fought our way through hordes of whores to get to her. It was great.
She raped our faces. It was amusing. There is more to add to this post, but this is what has been up since I last wrote anything until around the 24th of September. I have more to add, but this is long enough for one go.
Killer cow, signing off until next time.