I Think Someone Tried To Scam Me Over The Phone?

Nov 20, 2007 11:49

Late yesterday I got a phonecall on my work phone, and when I picked it up it was a recording of a male voice telling me that my car's warranty was about to expire, and this was the absolutely last notice to extend!!! OMG!!!

I thought to myself WTF? My car is less than six months old, and Douglas' is just over a year, so they'd both still be under waranty. A little red flag went up.

However I thought that maybe, just maybe, the Honda place could've goofed up the paperwork which could be easily straightened out, so when presented with the menu option of speaking to a person I selected that.

After a lot of waiting while the phone rang, and rang, and RANG, and rang... and rang, a female answered asking if I'd like to extend my waranty.

I started to launch in with 'I don't know which car you're referring to...'

and she hung up.

I did a quick google search, because I had to dash out to teach my class, and saw that there's a scam mailer going around, but nothing about a phone scam. However it sounded similar.

Anyway, I found it amusing, but also be careful!
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