I'm going to the Arabian Regional Championship show this weekend. Going as in competing in. I'm doing the pre-show tomorrow, Friday. My ride times are 2:15pm and pretty much 4pm at
Donida farm. Sunday is when the actual Regional dressage competition takes place at that same location, I'm not sure what my ride times will be, I probably won't know for sure until Saturday since people can qualify to show on Sunday at the show tomorrow. I've already qualified, because I rock... or maybe because I went to other shows and didn't suck utterly. ;-)
I'm putting this out there since a few of you have mentioned being curious to see me ride, and this will be the first one that's happening on a weekend where people might actually be able to go, if you want.
I do understand that Dressage isn't the most thrilling thing to watch if you're not particularly into horses, and even if you are I know it's not like show jumping where it's exciting to watch and it's easy to understand when a person does well, or doesn't do well. Dressage is subtle and probably doesn't look like much unless you know what to look for. So what I mean is it's cool with me if people want to come and show up, and I won't be heart broken if no one does.