You are 33% evil
You are not so evil. You are overall a nice person, although I wouldn’t want to get on your bad side. You have an extravagant imagination.
Take this quiz at Love is most important in your life.
A high love concentration indicates that you want love in your life. It is very important to you and something that you strive to attain.
Take this quiz at Socially Smart
As a socially smart person, you are best with others in real-life situations. This type of intelligence is closely linked to being 'street smart.' Theories and such are not much concern: the things that matter tend to be those which you can see, feel, touch - what you can really experience. This knowledge comes to you both out of a natural knowledge, as well as learning from the situations you find yourself in.
80% applied intelligence
20% learned intelligence
Take this quiz at These quizzes are pretty amusing lol,and I have nothing else to do right now(im bored out of my mind)