so much stuff!

May 11, 2006 21:19

Well, I don't think my fingers broken, which is nice it just hurts like crazy right now.

I didn't go to school today and that was nice to I just watched jerrry springer and eye for an eye until 11 or so.

Work was better even if it was a little crazy I'm not to tired but not to worked up so that is a plus.

But the best thing is satellite radio, I decided to pick it up on tuesday and within about an hour I was listening to music from a satellite! They have an all Rolling Stones station, an outlaw country station, a house and progressive trance station, 3 decent hip-hop stations, some amazing talk stations, howard stern (which isn't that great), and it's amazing! I didn't think it was going to be a good idea but man was I wrong, everyone needs to support sirius it's the best $13 a month you could ever spend.

That's about all I have right now, tommorow's my day off we'll see what happens then.
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