Writer's Block: Time Travel

Aug 24, 2007 02:48

If you could travel back in time to spend a day with someone, who would it be and why?

That's quite a question, so many names come to mind; countless musicians, artists, writers and any other number of people. Jimi Hendrix? Ansel Adams? Salvador Dali? Mastuo Basho? These are just a few that come quickly to mind, but after some heavy thought, I think I pinned one down. Paul, formerly Saul of Tarsus. I would love to go back in time and be able to speak to a man, who even more radically so than myself, was transformed by the power of God and the Holy Spirit. I think it would be amazing to share stories and get advice from one of Christianity's greatest spokesman (so to speak.) 

christianity, god, writer's block, time travel day, jesus, paul

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