Take a look at
(If you have problems finding the article then go to the link, click on TV and scroll down. There's an article on Gossip Girl that I found interesting.)
Is it wrong how much I enjoyed reading this? Seems like the writer is not a big fan of Josh's.
Looks like he's using Serena and Dan as his Ryan and Marissa. The couple that he intends to use to tease viewers with by never letting them be happy. It's doubtful that they have any chance of ending up together. What is it S2? And already he's repeating himself over and over from what the ending comments indicate.
Makes you wonder if Gossip Girl has 4 seasons in it. Perhaps it will "burn out" as Josh indicated was always on the cards for the OC. That comment always grated with me. I think that it was his way of trying to justify the fact that he'd messed up. Looks like he might need to dust it off and bring it out again.
I know that I shouldn't enjoy seeing someone give a not-so-flattering review - but I can't help it.
I still haven't forgiven him.