My name is Ryan Talbot May. I was born January 2nd, 1983. That makes me 27 years old. It almost makes me 28.
My name is Ryan Talbot May. I was born January 2nd, 1983. That makes me 27 years old. It almost makes me 28. It is hard to imagine myself getting older or being older, yet it some how keeps happening. When I look in the mirror I am always surprised how much my appearance has changed. My skin is not as smooth as it used to be, my eyes look far more fatigued and the gray hairs appearing in larger numbers on the sides of my head. I keep hoping that when I take a look I will see that fresh-faced boy that I once was years ago. Then I remember all that I've gone through and learned from and am really quite thankful that I am not even more haggard.
If you keep up with me, rather, if I keep up with this and you follow along on this journey of self-indulgence you will learn a lot about me. In fact you will be privy to some pretty special memories. And also some rather heartbreaking ones. For that is a big part of who I am. My experiences make me exactley who I am. Sometimes people's experience haunt them, other times they try to purge them from their skin but not I. I embrace them, I strip down to my cutest pair of trunk briefs and roll around in them like I'm a hog in a pool of cool mud.
Did I just call myself a pig?
Here is a little known fact. For years, my mother and I both believed we were born in the chinese year of the pig. Both of us are born in the beginning half of January when the year of the pig was passing through. We always thought it was neat that we are both Capricorns and pig-people (this itself explains our daunting similiarities, but I digress). A few years ago I realized that the Chinese New Year starts in like February or some crazy shit. Which would mean we both belong in the animal year that is before the pig. Which is, the dog. Suddenly our whole worlds were turned inside-out and back outside-in. Translation: it didn't change us at all but it made for a cute anecdote, didn't it?
The final two things you should know about me are that I love music and love to write. There is almost always a soundtrack playing in my head which is terribly distracting when I am out and about. For instance, last week I was in Safeway buying my groceries and stopped to respond to a text and in doing so let my guard down and started be-bopping right there in the aisle like I was in some sort of music video only to turn around and see an incredibly cute Starbucks barista standing there ready to offer me a sample of what probably was pumpkin loaf. Having been too embarassed to accept this delicious treat I shook my head and darted in the opposite direction.
Then of course there is my writing. I try to write a lot. I consider myself a writer. I've even written two (very good) novel drafts. Also, I wrote a column in a paper for about six months until the publication was sold and the entire writing staff let go. It came at a time where I was running out of quirky ideas for my tongue-in-cheek column on being gay in the community I lived in. The really cool thing that happened though was I got to represent my paper at the BC Magazine & Book week festival which really only consisted of four other writers and a couple friends. Either way, I got paid to read something I had already been paid to write. Of course this 'appearance fee' went straight to my head - well until the next month when my services were no longer required.
I do not think you have really learned all that much about me. You probably realize that when talking about myself, I write in fragmented sentences that often assume that you the reader are completely amused with the words that I have written. In fact you probably are quite bored and wondering why none of this is bolded for the tl;dr group. Well tough. If I bolded the interesting parts this whole page would be bolded and then you would be even more angry.
I could write a lot more but since you have another 29 days to skip over or read indulgently I think I'll save some more gems for down the road. Not all of them will be in this format. I want to have some fun and see what I can come up with.
To see a list of the days
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