It's working!!!!

Aug 31, 2006 22:07

I figured it was time for a new post since we are up to about 13 replies on the last one. I am glad this is working for everyone. It so good to hear from everyone. And, because I feel so useless about the situation, I am glad that Derek is enjoying the journal as well. I hope I am not emailing you guys too much. Whenever someone puts a comment on my account I get emailed, so I let everyone know. Please tell me if it is annoying you. I try to do it for each post, but everyone should check all the posts to see if there is anything new. I will try to post more often so everyone can write under the most recent post with their most recent replies. I believe we are still waiting to hear from Chinese Chad and Tenative Tammy. She emailed me an apology for not posting. I told her everyone wants to know about her and the kids anyway, and waiting for Chad is just pointless unless he brought home Jellyfish from China. (See Allie's last post for as reference for that comment.) We still have not heard from Uncle John and Aunt Sharron, Mark and Cheryl, or Uncle Chuck. Hopefully they write soon. My Dad called for instructions on how to use the site. I told him that if Derek can figure it out, he should have no problem. So look for one from him soon.

Our family from my Mother's side have been dealing with the illness of my Grandfather. Last Saturday he had a nasty fall and just recently he was put into the ICU on a vent. It was nice to have that side of the family drop everything and come together last weekend. However, it is unfortunate that it was in trying times. It is extremely difficult for my mother. The site of her father in a struggle for his life has been draining to say the least. The last time that I saw him he was in a lot of pain, but conscious and somewhat responsive. My lack of fortitude when faced with uncomfortable situations instinctively placed me into the role of a clown. Amidst my genital jokes involving latex gloves and a stethoscope he managed to utter "fuck you". If you have ever met my grandfather you would know that that was an uplifting sign of normality. Social and professional distractions seem to desensitize us, on occasion, to human suffering. Unless it hits home in situations such as these, I find that I rarely reflect on the vulnerability of life. It is one of those times in life where you realize how much you love life, family, and the blessings you have. You swear that you will be more alert to connections, relationships, and your ability to be truly human. I find I enter this appreciate demeanor when experiencing death, sickness, and close calls. Each time I convince myself that I will live my life so that I have no regrets; but my argument must be weak because it doesn't take long before auto-pilet takes over and moments of clarity are far and few between. One thing that never seems to waiver is Jessica's innate ability to balance me with minimal effort. I thank God everyday for us. Although some moments in life are hard I feel guilty when I complain because my blessings far out-way my adversity. I am truly living a blessed life; my marriage, my family, my home, my job. That dangerously close to being cliche, and it's dairy-like-consistancy almost made me throw-up. So I will leave it at that. Talk to you all soon.
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