Time Capsule, Part 5-1

Feb 25, 2012 01:44

Title: "Get Down On It, Part 1"
Series: Time Capsule
Fandoms: Castle
Rating: R to NC-17 ish
Genre: Romance, Gay Sex, etc.
Warnings: Slash, AU, unbeta'd,
Characters/Pairings: Javier Esposito/Kevin Ryan.
Wordcount: 2500 ish
Summary: The rest of the shower turned more sensuous than sexual. Esposito loved running his soapy hands over the lean Irishman, feeling him tremble a little under his touch. He rinsed Kevin's neck and kissed and sucked on it, driving him crazy. "Oops, I think you're going to need to wear a shirt with a collar for the next few days at work."
Details: Written as a continuation for
ryanandesposito's Valentine's Day Mini Ficathon.

Once the water was warmed up they climbed in together. Javier could tell Kevin was getting a little shy again. Hell, he was too. There was something weirdly vulnerable about this.

This story is a complete work of fiction and all characters are copyrighted to ABC, Beacon Pictures, Andrew Marlowe, etc. This is in no way a real representation of the actors or the characters. It's fun to play with them just the same.

Author's note: This is about Detectives Kevin Ryan and Javier Esposito but will involve several other characters from the show. I'm not sure exactly where this is going to go (aside from the obvious, a romance between Esposito and Ryan). I may jump around in time somewhat (e.g., flashbacks), and I'll try to stick more or less to the themes of the series and reference a few episodes, but no promises... it's obviously a parallel reality, though even on the show they're very friendly.


Get Down On It - Part 1

(We continue to flashback to when Javier Esposito and Kevin Ryan's relationship was just beginning; about a year before the start of the first story in this series.)


"Damn bro, that was so amazing." Javier Esposito whispered in his partner's ear when he'd caught his breath. "Next time, I want you to do me."

He gently lowered Kevin Ryan's legs off his shoulders.

Kevin just whimpered with pleasure. His dick was trapped between him and Javier, and the hot Latin Detective was still moving slowly up and down, his semi-hard cock inside Ryan and his weight on top of him.

Esposito was coming down from his orgasm, nuzzling and gently kissing his lover. Just kissing was so incredible; Ryan was amazing at it. Of course Javier had never kissed another guy before, but Kevin just seemed to know how to use his lips and his tongue, when to be playful and when to be passionate.

"You have the cutest ears." Esposito playfully fondled Ryan's soft ears.

"Stop it!" Kevin smiled shyly. "I have huge ears."

"And they're really cute."

"They're dorky."

"Dorky... is in the eyes of the beholder." As he spoke, Javier slid his hands over Ryan's neck, down his shoulders.

"I'm a mess."

"Wanna take a shower?"

"You mean... together?" Kevin raised his eyebrows.

"Well, it's not like I'm gonna see anything I haven't already." Esposito winked at him.

"Sure, it could be fun, I've never showered with anyone, like that."

Javier was surprised Ryan accepted so readily. He rolled off, Kevin's cum making a sticky sucking sound as they separated. Esposito then threw the sheets back, grabbed the slim Irishman by the ankles and dragged him across the bed.

"Woah! Somebody can't wait to get me in the shower!" Ryan said with a little laugh. Javier let him go and he got up.

"C'mon cutie." Esposito smacked him playfully on the butt.

Once the water was warmed up they climbed in together. Javier could tell Kevin was getting a little shy again. Hell, he was too. There was something weirdly vulnerable about this.

Then Ryan poured some body wash in his palm and looked expectantly at Esposito. "Well, do I get to wash you?"

"You can do whatever you want to me, bro." Javier grinned.

"I'll remind you of that later." Kevin smeared the creamy wash across Esposito's pecs and began to massage it in with both hands. "Damn bro, you have such an amazing chest. No wonder you always wear those tight shirts."

Javier closed his eyes and sighed. "Stop it, you're gonna make me blush."

Ryan continued to work over his lover, massaging his powerful shoulders, his upper arms, then back to his abs. Esposito felt himself getting hard again as Kevin's fingers strayed down into his thick pubes. "Something seems to be coming up again. Turn around, Javi."

The Detective obediently turned while Ryan got more soap. He worked on Esposito's neck, his back, then down to Javier's gorgeous round, muscular ass. He massaged it over and over, his fingers slipping into the crack. "You have such a hot ass, Javi." He mumbled. He was getting hard too.

"Damn that feels good Kev, keep going." Esposito whispered.

Ryan slipped a soapy finger in deeper, found Javier's little puckered hole and gently rubbed against it.

"Ooooohhhhh wooooow." Esposito moaned.

Encouraged, Kevin pushed a little, and his finger slipped in.

"Oh man!" Javier jumped a little.

"Are you okay? Should I take it out?"

"No, it's just... different."

"You never tried putting your finger in there before?"

"Uh, no, have you?" Esposito looked over his shoulder, somewhat shocked.

"Uh, yeah, a few times." Ryan took the opportunity to probe deeper. He'd seen his share of pornos, and now he knew how good a cock could feel inside him.

"Woah! Wait, what are you-?"

"That's your prostate."

"I know what it is, but I didn't know that it could feel... uuuuuhhhhh... so goooood." Javier moaned.

Kevin withdrew his finger and after washing it off, moved up close to Esposito, and wrapped his arms around him, his hard cock sliding between Javier's soapy ass cheeks. "Hmm, this feels awesome."

"I bet you want to fuck me right here in the shower, you horn dog."

Ryan ground his cock up and down, deeper in the crack. "You betcha."

"Wish we could do it bare."

"Me too, but one step at a time, bro."

Esposito turned around then and took Kevin in his arms. 'He's so damn cute.' Javier thought, looking at Ryan with his sparkling deep blue eyes, his auburn hair wet and plastered to his head.

They looked each other for a moment before locking into a passionate kiss.


Kate rolled over in her bed and answered the phone. "Beckett."

"Detective, it's Adams."

"Yes, what, God I hope it's not bad, it's 7 on Sunday morning."

"I know, sorry, but it's a mess down here. We had a multiple injury drive-by, two jumpers, and the new guys needs help. Should I call Ryan and Esposito?"

"No they haven't had a whole weekend off in ages. Call Morena and Ribeiro and if they won't come in, I will."

"Montgomery thinks you're being awfully nice to those boys lately." Adams let a little curiosity creep into his voice.

"I think they have better things to do."


"Goodbye Adams." Beckett hung up. "Guys, you owe me." Just then her bed companion spoke "Which guys owe you? I'm pretty sure we settled our debt last night."


"It's my turn to wash you."

"But I didn't even get to your legs!" Kevin whined.

"You were having way too much fun with my ass! Now behave, or I may need to spank you!"

"Promise?" Ryan grinned.

Esposito looked at him with an expression of 'WTF?'

"Jeeze, what a prude!" Kevin winked at him.

'Now who's being the shy one?' Javier thought to himself, a little sheepishly. He was surprised at Ryan's comment. 'Maybe I need to expand my horizons. Hell, I've been sleeping with a guy for the last two days and I am the happiest I think I have ever been.' "First I wash you, smartass, then we'll see about your punishment if you misbehave."

The rest of the shower turned more sensuous than sexual. Esposito loved running his soapy hands over the lean Irishman, feeling him tremble a little under his touch. He rinsed Kevin's neck and kissed and sucked on it, driving him crazy. "Oops, I think you're going to need to wear a shirt with a collar for the next few days at work."

"You did not!"

"I couldn't help it, your neck is so nice. It's just a little hickey."

"Friggin' vampire!" But Ryan was smiling. He was secretly happy that Javier had marked him. "So are we gonna get dressed and have breakfast? I'm starving. My treat this time."

"You're on, bro."

Kevin insisted on taking Esposito to a nice brunch place he had heard of from his friend, and sometimes beard, Jenny. They ate their fill, and had a few drinks too. Ryan had bloody Marys, Javier, a rarity of Mimosas. It was unlimited drinks, but Kevin tried to pace himself while pushing Esposito for one more Mimosa. Ryan also pointedly wore a collarless shirt, showing off the hickey mark on his neck. It did not escape the attention of their attractive waitress, who gave the pair appraising looks.

"Are you trying to seduce me, Kev?" Javier asked, his voice just a little slurry after four of the drinks. 'This could become a running joke,' he thought.

"Why yes, yes I am." Ryan grinned and raised his drink for a toast. "You promised me something, and I intend to collect."

Esposito clinked with Kevin and leaned in. "You like my ass don't you, bro?" He whispered.

"Hell, you flaunt it all over the precinct! With those tight jeans and your sexy little swagger."

"You want my Latino, sniper, jock ass don't you?" Javier grinned teasingly.

"Oh jeeze, hell yeah I do. I have a hardon now." Ryan whispered. "Check!"

They barely got in the door of Javier's place when they were at each other, hungrily kissing and groping. Kevin cupped Esposito's muscled glutes and squeezed them hard while Javier had his fingers in Ryan's hair, holding their heads together in a passionate French kiss.

They started tearing each others' clothes off, stumbling towards the bedroom.

They had their shirts open, Esposito was in his briefs, and Kevin's pants were around his ankles with Javier Esposito's hand in his underwear when they fell on the bed together and burst out laughing, Ryan on top of Javier. Then they were looking in each others' eyes and they just smiled at each other.

Esposito caressed Kevin's back slowly. "Kev, this has been the best weekend I can remember." The Detective rubbed his thumb over Ryan's soft sideburn as he stared into his blue eyes. "I don't know about you, but I could just lie with you like this all day. You are so darn cute. You know even before, well, the kiss, I couldn't keep my hands off you. Maybe in my own way I was kinda flirting with you, if even I didn't realize what I was doing."

Kevin looked down shyly. "You know it made me crazy. Every time you would put your hand on my shoulder, I about lost it. I-I just can't believe we are here like this in bed together. Javi, I-"

Before Ryan could say any more, Esposito pulled Kevin down and tenderly kissed him. He massaged Ryan's neck and behind his ear. "You know both Castle and Montgomery have made jokes about not dating inside the department. What are we gonna do about that?"

"Well," Kevin said with a little laugh, "I doubt anyone would suspect that we would be dating each other."

"You know, if anyone would figure it out, I bet Beckett would."

Ryan paused for a minute. "You know, her intuition is almost creepy, I bet she might figure it out, but I also bet she would never tell anyone. She's not a gossip."

"She HAS given me a couple of odd looks lately. But you're right, she would never say anything to anyone else. But she might do things to try to protect us. We might want to tell her."

"I think if people knew, I doubt Castle or Beckett or even Montgomery would have a problem. They'd be surprised about you."

"What about Adams? I know you guys are friends. Or Morena?

"Adams has made a couple comments to me suggesting he's straight but okay with gay guys, like he was waiting for me to come out. I guess he was ahead of me on that one. As far as Morena, I don't give a shit what he thinks."

Javier pulled Kevin close to him and sighed, nuzzling his tender neck. "If we did come out we would have to be careful. I bet Delano in I.A. would find some reason to put us on different shifts or something. He seems like a homophobe for sure."



"I'm in-or at least on-the bed with the hottest guy on earth and we're talking about work. I want to snuggle or make out or fuck or something, but not talk about work!"

"Bro, you are way too sweet. Let's start with snuggling, cause you feel so nice right now. Though all those mimosas you forced down my throat have made me horny and light-headed."

"Can we finish getting down to our underwear at least? I still have my pants around my ankles."

They struggled out of their clothes and somehow they both ended up naked.

Esposito ran his hands over Ryan's tight smooth chest then wrapped his arms around the lean man and pulled him in close again. "Hmmm you feel so good. I never even imagined being naked in bed with a guy like this would be so awesome. Well, not just any guy." He rolled on his back pulling Kevin on top of him.

They made out for awhile, then Javier said, "I meant what I said before, Kev. I want us to be equals. Plus, I'm... curious."

"You sure you want to?" Ryan asked tentatively. "You... you don't have to do it just cause I did."

Esposito paused a minute. Kevin had taken him like a champ so how could he not offer himself to his partner, his lover as willingly? Javier took a deep breath. Ryan was his lover. The word made him shiver, but in a good way.

"It's only fair man. You gave yourself to me and I want give to you. It's so amazing being inside you. And you seemed to like...bottoming... so I'm willing to try. Maybe I'll like it too." Esposito ran his hands over Kevin's sexy smooth chest again and smiled. Secretly he was a little nervous, he saw how it had hurt Ryan at first. God what was he doing? This was it, letting a guy fuck him was it, finally admitting he was really gay. Of course, it wasn’t just 'any guy,' it was cute Kevin Ryan, who if anyone was going to be careful and gentle with him, it would be Kev. Javier smiled to himself.

He was worried about a guy - skinny goofy responsible Kevin Ryan - being gentle with him. He was being a big wuss. And it kind of felt good.

He had made out with Kevin, slept with him, and it was the most wonderful feeling. How could he deny it. What would his parents think? He suddenly had this image of taking Ryan home to meet the parents and explaining that he was gay and this was his boyfriend. Whew. What would his father say? 'Javi, you're a good boy, you'll make the right choice.' Esposito snuggled up to the smartest, cutest guy he had ever met.

Meanwhile, Kevin had his own jitters. Javier was such a natural stud, he had fucked him so right. Could he hope to match that? In his experience with women, sex was always more clumsy and fumbling than hot and torrid like they portrayed it in movies or porn. But Esposito had been almost perfect. He made Ryan cum mostly just from fucking him.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"I'm... kinda nervous."

"Bro, I think we know each other well enough that it's gonna be okay. You'll do fine. I'm the one that should be nervous, with you sticking that long pole inside me." He grinned and Kevin had to smile back.

"Okay, how do you want to do it?"

Javier pushed Ryan up, then laid back and raised his powerful legs while opening them wide. "I'm all yours." He grinned.

To Be Continued...


Comments, Con-Crit, etc. always appreciated.


valentine's day, character: kevin ryan, character: kate beckett, update, character: other, character: lanie parish, rating: r, character: richard castle, rating: nc-17, character: javier esposito, character: captain roy montgomery, pairing: ryan/esposito

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