my PW gig review: Uncensored

Dec 01, 2011 23:59

Well okay I left most of the "NIIIIIIIICK" whining out and try to keep it at a healthy far unsuccessfully. :)

Sooooooo, finally, I found some time.
Beware, this might be hectic, nostalgic and full of drooling over some fantastic, and out of my reach guys. You know just the usual.
This is a long story, and the beginning is somewhere around 2006. My good friend Desi introduced me to Mr. Wolf’s music when she first sent me the link to Bluebells. I was curious after having listened to her about Patrick’s music. The video was “interesting” in my opinion and by interesting I mean strange ,spooky. But the music won and after listening some tracks from the new album: Magic position I fell in love and managed to order the first 3 albums immediately. I tried hard to get comfortable with Patrick on stage but to be honest he was way too eccentric. But also cute, and seemed like a nice guy too, so I had really mixed feelings for him. During my 3 weeks in Hannover I’ve listened a lot of his music. I’ve slowly turned my friends Wolf fans.
I listened to more Patrick during the rest of my uni years and then came the Bachelor. The Video of Vulture was way too shocking for me so I decided only to listen to Patrick.
I remember in 2008 I found an early version of the Days and I took it to Eszti to London and she immediately recognised it was Patrick.
I slowly grew comfortable with the visual side of Patrick but it was only in the last year I started to watch gig vids more closely. Only to discover the faces behind the music. I really like how Shy Victoria is. I found Marcello’s chewing chewing gums all the time. And let’s not forget about Nick Haward. I’ve always heard his name like Haywood during the introductions so it was fun to find out some stuff.
Anyway I’m sure you are not here read about the nostalgic stuff. I missed Patrick’s April gig in Vienna so I was really happy when he announced his autumn tour. So again after some organising and stress finally I secured 2 tickets on 20th June! And that was all till 3 weeks before the gig. I was quite late organising accommodation and travel. But since September I’v managed to grow fond of PW’s bassist. Another bassist…again. I even had dreams with these two. Again I am distracted.
Anyway: we had a hotel room, train tickets and excitement. On the train I told about my dream set list to Eszti. It included roughly 20 songs, a bit much compared to other gigs he played during the tour but that’s why I call it dream setlist. I also told her jokingly hopefully Patrick can read minds and will sense my wishes. I tell you the 3 songs he didn’t play in the end: Tinderbox, Bluebells, To the lighthouse.
so after invading Vienna, drinking mulled wine, Eszti slept I took a shower and off we went. The Arena of Vienna was 5 minutes of walk from our hotel. I’ve seen some pics but the place was a bit beyond my imagination. It was a bit ran down, might have been a cult place in it’s time. Anyway we tried to get in but we ad to make a bit of detour to collect our tickets. Unfortunately we didn’t get any tickets just two stamps on our arms. We went in, handed our coats in and then doors opened and we could get into the hall. The most interesting thing was the spider-Chesire cat mix puppet on the curtain. We took our place: Bass side…:) There were a really nice gay couple and some hyper younger girls. It was a standing gig so we were in row 6-8 depending on the movement of the crowd :) It was a really nice place, good view on the stage, especially on a particular person…ahem. Anyway the supporting act was Chinawoman. I know I am mean but it was horrible. Monotonous, I couldn’t understand much from the lyrics. I was relieved when it was over. Especially because it means we came closer to the gig. During set up Ben came really briefly onto the stage I pinched Eszti’s arm jumping with excitement. “It’s Ben, he’s gone” :) I was a bit worried we will be way too conservative , but all the other gig goers were completely normal, no extreme things. (Mind you I’ve been attending extreme/bizarre punk gigs when I was younger). Anyway the stereos kept blaring another and another interval music. But then suddenly a bit before 9 lights went out and the band came on stage. And then Patrick arrived too, a shy smile and off it went. They started with Pigeon song and I am sure the 2nd song was House. From then on my memory is hazy so I cannot tell proper list. But almost all the songs appeared on my dream setlist. I sang along and grinned so much my face hurt. It was an interesting situation: I am pretty tall, I have a really wide grin and I was told once or twice when I’m viewed from the stage even my tonsils are visible. :( (I have no tonsils by the way, they were removed when I was young) but this is not relevant here. During the gig I managed to make eyecontact with Patrick a couple of time, the embarrassing one, so I rather looked a bit further behind him only to stare at Nick. Luckily he’s not the looking back type so it was really comfortable. :) I really like his style of playing, I found it strange first but it just fits the mood of the gig. Ben was also on form and he used some cool touch and some theatrical effect while playing. Right at the beginning Victoria either dropped her microport or something happened to it and it wasn’t attached to her so a stagehand/roadie/whatever she is called tried to apply it on her and Victoria just kept playing.
Patrick was really nice but I was used to chatterbox Patrick from vids and reviews. Instead they kept playing songs quickly one after another not even saying “Thanks” or anything. It felt like they were in a hurry or nervous. I doubt the latter but I understood the hurry later: they’ve managed to squeeze like 22 songs into their time.
The acoustics of the place were really good and sound engineers were in top form.
Apart from Slow motion all the songs were played from Lupercalia. It was like a feast: slow and upbeat songs chasing each other, mixed with old ones like: Tristan, The Libertine, Magic Position, A&E, Get lost, Damaris, Vulture, Hard times, The Gypsy king. We got the new song: Time of the year too. As te concert went on Patrick became more relaxed ,he even spoke to the crowd, he danced played his instruments kept spurring the band. As songs came and they were “Oh it was on my dream list too” I almost died of glee. I was a bit afraid of The days. I really like that song and there’s a crucial part in it I really like but Patrick has changed it live and it takes that magical feeling away-for me at least. Anyway during that song I cried…a bit and Patrick was really cute he sat at the edge of the stage and he sang there like a storyteller, or he leaned on his harp but most importantly he did that particular part just so perfectly.
Also before the new song he brought a camera on stage and took photos of the crowd. It was really cute. I don’t remember perfectly but I think it was during the same song e came to the edge of the stage, flirted with the spotlight then he turned it on us , sat under it and sang it like that. Oh my retinas!
There was a lot of memorable tiny moments that I know will fade away in no time, but they are either boring or too personal to share.
It was a lovely and memorable gig. I loved the sing alongs: “Happy without you”, “proud of YOU”! Etc.
Vids are all over youtube and also photos. I didn’t take my camera and I absolutely haven’t regretted it. I’m afraid I would have made a “Nick Haward supporting Patrick Wolf in Vienna vid”.
We got the foxes on Patrick’s shoulder in the encore. They were a bit bizarre, and sadly right side fox got a dislocated shoulder by the end of the gig. At the end of the encore Patrick walked around and asked the band if they were fit for another song and if so what should it be, so we got Bloodbeat as the closing song.
Despite Greg’s warning I could’ve happily offer my vet skills to cure the fox’s shoulder if I could go with them on tour. And the fact that I am a vet and not a taxidermist wouldn’t have bothered me for a second! :) :) :)
After the gig we had a long wait at the wardrobe so I could peek through the door back to the stage where band was packing.
We’ve walked home and avoided the big barf. Slept 5 hours(I’ve managed to have crazy dreams with Nick and Ben-thanks to the fact that from 1:40 playing time I’ve stared at them for 1:20) :) Then quick preparation, and off we went. We got a bit of Keane at the Hotel lobby, then Underground to the station, up on the train that sounded like Darth Vader while leaving the station. Another 2 hours of sleep, mad dash for another train that brought us home.
We found out Greg got crippled by cutting up trees therefore unavailable to work for undisclosed times and also found boss in a really foul mood: Not the best signs. But that is another story.
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