Yes...I think so...maybe...I don't know...

Jan 13, 2006 04:04

Pay no attention to the title of this entry because it doesn't make any sense, and neither do I for that matter but that's neither here nor there. On with the update...

Sunday, January 8th - First show of 2006 baby! NIW returns to Amery, Wisconsin. Damn was this a fun show. It was so crazy how hot the fans stayed all through out this show, but particularly for my match (cause that's the one I care the most about...duh!) so many props to them. It gave me such an odd feeling because this show had the same feeling to me as the many MPW saturday shows, first time a show has felt like that to me since MPW closed it's doors.

*FLASHBACK* Last time we were here though, Darin and I had a bit of miscommunication as I inadvertantly hit him with my Arachnid Kick right to his mush. It took some time but I finally got it through to Darin that it was a complete accident and everything was all well and good.

As for the match, Darin and I were set to defend our tag titles against Trent Jones (who?) and Dano Tep. What a match! Every person in this match brought their "A" game on this night and I was so impressed with Trent and Dano. Early in the match I hit my Superman Dive onto Trent and Dano and man was that fun. The crowd went nuts for it as they chanted "Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!" Always a good feeling to hear that for something you do. Towards the end of the match though, Darin and I hit Dano with one of our various tag maneuvers and I made the cover on Dano with the thought that we had he and Trent beat. Out of nowhere though Darin falls right on me breaking up the pin. I got up to see what the hell was going on but Darin kept saying it was an accident. By this time Trent snuck up from behind me and hit me with a Full Nelson Bomb. Darin broke up the pin attempt following with "Shin City" but his pin attempt was broke up by Dano. Dano had Darin for what I was assuming was going to be his pattented piledriver and I knew I couldn't let that happen because Darin's and my tag titles were hanging in the balance. Darin fought it like a champ so I took advantage of the opening and nailed Dano with the Arachnid Kick and Darin rolled him up with the pin. Tag titles successfully defended.

Now I didn't see what happened nor have I had a chance to review the tape but Darin, Referee Rob Page and the crowd all said that Darin falling on me was an accident. I shook it off and trusted Darin because let's face it, he and I are in this together and if we're not on the same page then the tag titles that we hold so dear are going to be lost at the drop of a hat.

After the show it was shinanigans at the Forest Lake Perkins where I kept talking to our waitress like we were on MTV's "Next." Funny shit I tell ya. Anyhoo, January is looking to be a busy month for me as far as wrestling goes but I'll keep you all informed as it unfolds. Lata!

(Me) "I'll have a piece of apple pie a la mode please."
(Waitress) "Do you want that heated up?"
(Me) "Yes please, just the pie though. Not the 'a la mode' part or I'm afraid I'll have to next you."
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