Aug 20, 2005 19:10
This mornind around 5 AM, I hear some people in my room trying to turn on my light. They turned on the wrong switch but eventually got it right! Then they come over to my bed, pull the covers off of me, and say, "Good morning!! Wake up!! Get out of bed!" lol I was just thinking, good thing I'm wearing cute pajamas! So I'm standing there as Brittney and Sarah walk out of my room, and all of a sudden they come back with these 2 GIGANTIC tubs of costumes! Some of which, I had due to the fact Brittney and I were in some of the same dance recitals. Anyway, they pick out some really cute but crazy things for me to wear and then did my hair crazy and made my makeup really messy but still cute/crazy. I love my Big Sis!!!! Thank you Sarah for making me look cute and not insane like some of the other girls! Thank you too, Brittney, for helping Sarah make me look cute and not insane! lol Then they took us to this guy's house and Javier was awake but Cody and Rene were not. Sooo we woke them up. Then Brittney gets this crazy idea to have Carly (her Lil Sis) propose to then Sarah makes me propose to Rene! haha They both turned us down! *tear* Then we went on to more crazy/fun things and eventually on to IHOP. Much fun there. Then we went and painted our yard signs. Sarah attempted to free-hand my sign but stopped on the R and got Hartley to finish it. She made it GORGEOUS! I love it. Then we did more fun/crazy things...a chinese fire drill was involved, and then we went to the scrimmages. Sarah told us to get guys' phone numbers...and for every 3 numbers we got we would get 2 merits. At the end...I ended up with 60 phone numbers and 40 merits! YEEHA! lol Made me happy. Finally, we went home.... I have a weird tan line from my outfit and some of the numbers still remain on my arms and hands. It was a lot of fun...can't wait to do it to my Lil Sis next year! :) Alright, have a wonderful evening!!!!