Jul 30, 2007 19:58
"Give me a time machine."
Time travel. I think it always ends up sounding like a good idea when things aren't going so well. I'd stop here, I'd fix this, I'd change that, I'd back-up there. Who knows where it would take you when you got back.
Adam Sandler's time machine was a remote control. He fast-forwarded through anything he didn't want to deal with. He didn't want to waste time and then he didn't have enough of it to hold onto. He skipped a lot of good life's moments and ended up alone before he realized what was happening.
Sandra Bullock's time machine was a broken and clouded memory. She ended up back and forth in time in one of her last movies. To try to prevent something terrible from happening. Desperate to try to keep her worst nightmares from being played out.
Peter Griffin's time machine was a trip with Death. He thought it would be a fantastic idea to go back in time and be single again. Until he ended up with Molly Ringwald in his bed. I wouldn't have complained that much if I was him but you love who you love, I guess.
And of course, Marty and the Doc's time machine was a car. Taken mostly to fix what couldn't be prevented from the time period they sat in. But even what they improved wasn't always a quick fix for what would always be a problem. There's a reason they kept going back. To the past, the future. The old west or something.
I think in every example of time travel, there's always the same lesson that we've never really learned completely. That's why we keep on going trying to claw ourselves back to that moment we turned the wrong way, to redirect to the better road. But the lesson is that you can't really go back without losing something in the future. You time, your sanity, your belongings, your structure. Your life as you know it. All the things that make up what things are for you today. Maybe you aren't supposed to change anything, no matter how bad you want to. You're just supposed to deal with things and move on, even if it's not in the way you want. Because there's no other way around it.
Time travel is something stuck in movies, there's no time machines that are really available for try-out in the middle of a mall or something somewhere. But there's probably a good reason why we have yet to really go back in time. Not much good could come from it. I think it'd just fuck us up more than we already are. The only way to change anything in the present is to go forward.
For the future.