Aug 18, 2005 16:17
yeah so i can't quit this, I just don't have anything else to do so this is what I resort to. soo lets see.... had a pretty good week so far i guess, kinda bad at parts too, went to Lindsays sweet 16 last weekend, played some football and hung out, met her rather good looking friend Stephanie. Sunday just rested up for football again. Monday came around way to soon, got up real early for practice, made it about halfway through the morning session when it happened... I went for a bad arm tackle after I slipped, and my shoulder popped. So that hurt like really bad, so I stayed in for a few more plays and got it hit again, so I had to see my buddy Chris, the trainer. He told me I'm done for the day, gave me some ice and whatever that day was done. Tuesday, same thing, no football, but I had to go and watch anyways to learn plays and such. It was also our last day of doubles, so wednesday we just had a morning session, got our game stuff and we were done, so Al tells me these two crazy females wanted to meet us at the mall, so I was down. I practiced since it was All American, and went home, showered, got all cleaned up and then Al came over, we hung out for 30 minutes or so, then my dad dropped us off at GLC. We walked around and waited on the bench, watched the janitor go through his workout routine, saw some guy break the raffle trucks gas tank, and then finally around 4 when Allie and Sarah showed up we walked around again. Allie was hungry so we all sat down in kerbys and she ordered some fries, ate like 3 and was full so we left outta there and went back for some more hardcore shopping. We pretty much did that until 7/7:30 and then the girls had to leave, so me and Al were like "this sucks lets go eat or something", so we walked back to the food court and ordered some pizza, had a nice long emo chat about football and girls and other subjects, then walked back by Star to wait for our ride. So his grandma came around 8:30 and she dropped me off and I iced my arm, got all my football stuff ready for the scrimmage, and went to bed. Woke up today and my arm was hurting like 10 times more than it was, and it kept clicking and slipping out of the socket, so my mom made an appointment with my Dr. in rochester and made me call my coach and tell him I'm not coming to the scrimmage. So I got dressed and went there, he told me that it wasn't strained like Chris thought, but actually I did some damage to my rotator cuff and stuff, so he sent me back to my shoulder specialist from last time I dislocated it. So I got a new sling that I have to wear and I'm out of football for a while, until the specialist says I'm okay. So that kinda bummed me out but I had fun yesterday, shopping and all, but I guess I won't lie any more, this probably won't be my last entry ;). Okay until next time- Ryan.