seeking the news-machine

Jun 23, 2006 16:04

so my dear readers,

another update! exciting, huh? i think we should discuss. or better: i should discuss. discuss about...dunno...hmmm...what are blogs usually discussing about? valley of angels? no, not again. bad idea. that would piss my dear reader really off. all these revealing-news-unless-there-are-no-news-i-want-to-reveal-cause-they-are-still-much-too-awesome-to-reveal-so-better-not-reveal-anything-except-for-the-beauty-of-the-revolutionary-storytelling-character-development-issues-nobody-understands-without-revealing-any-news-thingies. no. i won't do that. not today. and tell you why? no? because i'm damn friendly. and i love you. my dear reader i love you. are you still reading, my dear reader? yes? awesome! then i guess you love me too. otherwise you'd have lost interest long time ago. but now you're sitting around reading. and waiting. waiting for some insightful thoughts or something. but you won't find these things in this blog. i know, you're waiting for something really exciting to happen here, but these are only characters. this is not the real life, understand? every had a drink with the famous "S" or the very german "ß" or even the outsiders "1-9"? i guess no. and i'll tell you why: characters are boring they are not entertaining. unless they are forming some inisghtful thoughts or something. but here they are not entertaining. so stop reading till you can read some real news here. okay? did you stop reading? no? why not? do you really love me so much that you can't stop reading? sweet. really. i feel honored. but now you really should've stopped reading. because i'm not entertaining now. in fact i'm pretty tired. and sit around so tired - almost dead - and just type in random characters to let the time till weekend pass by. so, anyway, where did we stop? ah...valley of angels? was the party of characters! ever had sex with "r"? no? or "z"? no? i'll tell you why: all these characters are still boring virgins and just want to stand around (they are not even moving! so there character-dancing is also pretty impossible) waiting the whole day. sadly they forgot what they are waiting for. so...anyway...characters aren't entertaining. this whole paragraph is pretty boring. so if you're still reading you're a maniac. or bored. or in love with me. or everything. i don't know. so what was the news? what is the sense of this entry? i almost forgot, because i want to train my fingers by using my keyboard and type random characters. so sorry there. but anyway, i love you. i love you all. everybody. you're potential consumers. consumers of my art. consumers of interactive storytelling. consumers of food. consumers of air. consumers of love. consumers of everything floating around on this blue planet. do i like consuming! so cool! yeah! you can read i have a lot of things to say. a lot of things of nothing for being more exactly. doesn't matter. so far...yeah...rrrrr...isn't it a sexy-boring blog? how can something be sexy and boring at the same time? it's like a boring fashion show with hot models. like - for instance - me. hehehehe. good old ryam, or like the ladies call him: good sex ryam. anyway, ladies, can't sell you more t-shirts with "i had sex with good old ryam". out of stock. sorry. but there are several "i never will have sex with good old ryam" left. but who wants these shirts anyway? but better move away from sex-topics. because of these sex-sells-syndroms this paragraph might turn into something interesting then. or not. hmmm...not really. just kidding. you don't believe me? okay, i'll give it a try: sexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsex!!! entertaining? selling? no! haha! so better move far away from sex. no one should get pregnant here. let's get back to love. platonic love. i love you all! really, i do! and because i love you that damn much i'll stop writing and ask the news-machine for some real news. hey! news-machine! give us some news! please! oh! whoops! should plug it in! so! news-machine! ohm...and should turn it on!

*news machine online*
news-machine! give is some news!
*news item #1: homepage to asylum!*
*news item #2: valle...
whoops! i just stumbled across the news-machine's power supply.
and now i'm too lazy to plug it in again.

beg your pardon, love you all!
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