I'll play. Snurched from both
kytivafan and
proseac1. Thanks ladies. :)
How many fandoms do you write for? Currently, just NCIS, but I started out writing for The Lost World and have also written one Doctor Who fic.
Do you have a particular character that you enjoy writing? I enjoy writing Ziva from Tony's point of view. It's easier for me to get into his head than hers.
Is there a character for which you refuse to write? Not refuse, no. But I play to my strengths, and, at least with NCIS, Tony and Ziva will always be easier for me to write. That said, I should probably challenge myself at some point to write out of my comfort zone.
Do you write slash? No. I've never had the inclination for it, but that doesn't keep me from enjoying it when it's written well by others.
Do you write smut or lemon/lime? Ummm...yeah. It remains embarrassing as hell, but, at the same time, I think I have a knack for it. Years of reading romance novels has to have left some sort of impression.
Do you write ship fic? Yes. It's definitely what comes most naturally to me. I began with Roxton/Marguerite fics nearly 10 years ago.
Have you ever written a cross-over? Nope. I don't even think I've had any passing ideas for one.
Is there one genre that you prefer to write? Angst. Definitely. I enjoy relationship angst and the fic I'm currently working on is hurt/comfort angst.
How did you get into writing? Hanging around the likes of Fraser,
jaunthie and
monkeybard in my Lost World days. It was impossible being around that much writing talent without wanting to take a stab at it myself. It helped that The Lost World offered tons of inspiration for all manner of story ideas.
Would you like to write professionally? Oh, hell no. I know myself and my limitations. I have neither the skills nor discipline to turn an occasional hobby into a career.