Ficcage! ...and it's holy crap NSFW

Apr 01, 2009 23:50

Okay, here's a little short gift ficlet that I wrote for nkfloofiepoof, that she has graciously given me the go-ahead to post. This is not my usual style, though--it is complete crack, shamelessly WAFF-y, with a side order of schmaltz, and also epically sticky and NC-17. Also, based on nkfloofiepoof 's versions of Soundwave and Ravage, though this interpretation of Trailbreaker is partly mine and partly rageai 's. (...okay, mostly rageai 's ^_^)

Also, did I mention that it's PWP? ^___^

Title: Untitled
Author: ryagelle
Rating: NC-17
Character(s)/Pairing: Trailbreaker/Soundwave, Ravage
Warnings: graphic, gratuitous stickyfic

He ducked through the open bay doors of the empty factory, glancing upward at the rusting mechanism that had once operated them, the muted glow of his visor lighting it a faint, lurid red in the fading dusk. He hadn’t chosen the meeting place this time; he usually preferred less-populated areas, but his partner had decided on this place, and he didn’t care to argue with him over it.

He eased forward, deeper into the gloom of the unlit, abandoned building, looking around himself warily. His dark paint would have made him melt into the shadows, if it hadn’t been for the glowing red slash of the visor, cutting through the dark as he carefully sidestepped rusted-out hulks, bulky piles of crumbling metal and rubber and plastic that used to be machinery almost as big as he was, making his way toward the back of the building, scanning ceaselessly for any sign of life as he went.

He didn’t find any until he turned a corner, around a battered wall that used to be a divider between the workers’ break room and the factory floor, but was now mostly fallen in-and what he saw made him cry out in worry and alarm.

“Soundwave!” He started forward, to go to the blue mech sitting against the far wall, but a dark blur dropped from the network of piping and conduit above his head, barring his way and growling protectively, red optics menacing. “Ravage, it’s me,” he said, confused and worried, but she didn’t budge, just growling a little louder and glaring at him.

They stood at that impasse for several tense moments, until, suddenly, Ravage whipped her head around to stare at Soundwave, her growling momentarily interrupted, but she quickly started up again, under her breath, even as she backed, glowering, away, giving him room to hurry to her creator’s side.

“Damage: minimal,” the Decepticon Communications Officer reassured him, though there was a peculiar quality to his monotone voice that suggested he was in pain. “Concern: unnecessary.” The gentle, familiar brush of another mind against his own presaged the telepath’s next words, spoken directly into his thoughts in a surprisingly shy tone. :Hello, Trailbreaker.:

Trailbreaker smiled, though it was a little tight with concern for the cracked cassette tray and obviously damaged right shoulder. The joint sparked and spit when the blue mech moved, though it was a relief to see that he did not seem to be leaking any kind of fluid; Trailbreaker didn’t like to think of how long he’d been sitting there, if he’d been leaking coolant or energon. The rest of Soundwave seemed a bit worse for wear, as well, though there was nothing as worrisome as the shoulder and the cassette tray.

“You should have told me about this,” the big defensive strategist chided gently, hand hovering over the sparking wound, not touching for fear of causing pain. “We could have met after you’d healed…” Soundwave reached out to capture his hand, and shook his head, visor glowing a little brighter.

:I didn’t want to miss this opportunity,: he said, and Trailbreaker couldn’t help but melt despite his concern. :I wanted to see you.:

The black mech ducked his head, bashful. “Aw, Soundwave…I missed you…” His fingers twined with the telepath’s, black against blue, and he smiled at the sight before looking back up. “You should let me take care of those for you,” he said, nodding toward the worse injuries. “I’ve got an emergency medkit here-I can at least give you a painkiller, and maybe tack on a bandage...”

:I would not wish to use up your supplies,: Soundwave demurred, dropping his gaze shyly. :And wouldn’t you have to explain what you did with them?: he asked, suddenly concerned, not wanting Trailbreaker to get into trouble.

The black mech abruptly leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Soundwave’s facemask, prompting another sharp growl from Ravage before her creator shushed her absently. Most of his focus was on Trailbreaker, who was chuckling softly as he pulled away. “Don’t you worry ‘bout me none. The worst I’ll get is a yelling-at from Ratchet. Let’s go ahead and get you patched up. How’d you come by these, anyway?”

:The last battle we fought,: was the soft reply. :Hook repaired the leaks, at least.:

“I’ve noticed Hook does as few repairs as he can get away with,” Trailbreaker muttered grimly, digging into a storage compartment with his free hand and pulling out his medkit. He ended up having to take his other hand out of Soundwave’s, in order to open up the kit and withdraw a nozzle-tipped syringe filled with painkiller. The tape deck obediently shifted aside the plating hiding a row of maintenance ports, and Trailbreaker was quick to inject the contents of the syringe into one of them, smoothing the plating back into place once he’d finished. The soft sigh of relief when the painkillers started to work was audible, and Trailbreaker smiled to hear it.

“Better, huh?” he asked, pleased, and Soundwave nodded diffidently, thanking him. He smiled again as he began rummaging through the medkit once more, this time pulling out a roll of flexible metal-mesh bandages to wrap the communication officer’s shoulder in. “We’ll get these over your shoulder, so at least nothing can get into it,” he said softly, wishing he could do something for the cracked cassette tray, but knowing that he had neither the supplies nor the training to help with it.

Soundwave only winced a little as Trailbreaker bandaged the wound, the painkiller dulling the worst of the pain. Quietly, as he worked, the black mech murmured, “I take it Ravage was the only one who could come with you this time?”

Soundwave nodded, watching as the defensive strategist finished with his bandaging, using a soldering iron to tack the metal-mesh in place. :The rest would have been missed, if I had taken them. I felt it safer to leave them behind.:

Trailbreaker nodded, his mouth a thin line. He glanced at Ravage, still grumbling under her breath, her irritated red gaze flicking back to them every so often as she kept watch. “I wish you would reconsider letting us help you get out of there,” he said quietly. “I don’t like the thought of any of you being under Megatron’s thumb, where he can hurt you.”

The tape deck shook his head, but didn’t reply; they’d had this discussion a hundred times already, and he didn’t feel up to repeating it again. Instead, he simply reached out and pulled Trailbreaker close, softly murmuring, “Concern: appreciated.”

Trailbreaker willingly allowed the subject to drop as he melted into Soundwave’s embrace, sighing softly at the almost electric sensation of the other’s body so near his own. Meetings like this were so few and far between that neither felt as though they should waste the time in arguments if it could be helped.

“Primus, ’Wave, I missed you so much,” he whispered, wrapping his own arms around the blue mech, mindful of the injuries that no doubt were still tender despite the painkiller. “It’s been so long…” Soundwave merely hummed agreement and held him tighter, blue hands stroking his plating comfortingly. He shivered at the light caresses, turning his head to nuzzle at his companion’s faceplate, laying gentle little kisses across it.

Soundwave made a soft noise of pleasure, tilting his head to try and get Trailbreaker to pay attention to his sensitive neck, and the black mech obliged, chuckling softly. “Someone’s eager, hm?” he asked, trailing his lips down along Soundwave’s jawline and further, nipping tenderly at the exposed cabling while his partner wordlessly murmured his appreciation.

:Do you blame me?: was the response, as the blue communications officer’s hands wandered his frame.

“No,” Trailbreaker breathed, intakes hitching when one of those clever hands traced his windshield. If either of them heard Ravage’s disgusted huff as she paced farther away from them, they gave no indication.

“Are you sure you feel up to this?” the black mech asked softly, even as he could feel himself heating up at his partner’s ministrations.

:Yes,: Soundwave answered simply, never pausing in his caresses, his hands trailing down his Autobot companion’s sides, feeling the warmth beginning to radiate from the large body next to him, and shuddering as his own temperature began to climb. They never got enough chances to be together, and it never took them long to work each other up into a frenzy of desire when they did; tonight was not an exception, injuries or no.

Trailbreaker moaned softly when he felt Soundwave responding to him. He mouthed the eject button on the tape deck’s left shoulder, and Soundwave shuddered again beside him, his arms tightening around him, unconsciously pulling him closer.

:I want you,: the blue mech said, mental ‘voice’ managing to sound breathless. :Please.:

“And you’ll have me,” Trailbreaker replied huskily, mouth moving down the front of Soundwave’s form, careful to avoid the damaged chestplate. He licked and nipped at the abdominal plating, provoking a sharp little gasp, then eased further down, gently pressing the other mech back, helping him to lie down as he mapped out the buttons on the tape deck’s hips. Soundwave squirmed and moaned aloud at the attention, his hips moving restlessly, and the thought that he could reduce the normally reserved telepath to this prompted an impressive flare of heat in the place where his thighs met, behind his panel. He could feel the slippery warmth of his valve growing wet, as well, and knew that he was going to be dripping when his panel opened.

Eagerly, he turned his attention to getting Soundwave’s panel open, slipping down between the white thighs. He parted them with a touch of his hand as his mouth was occupied with re-familiarizing itself with the contours of his partner’s panel, tracing the seams with his tongue before blowing a gentle wash of cool air across the heated plating. The telepath cried out again, angling his hips up into Trailbreaker’s mouth, propping himself up with one elbow while the other hand lifted to curl around his Autobot companion’s head, though he didn’t really exert any pressure to hold him there. The blue mech’s knees came up as he spread his thighs wider for Trailbreaker, mewling softly in pleasure and arching his hips up.

Trailbreaker responded with firmer pressure of his mouth against the sensitive panel, and he hummed, deep and low, almost a growl, letting the sound vibrate through to Soundwave’s core-and the telepath bucked beneath him as his panel sprang open, valve welling with lubricant energon. The Autobot was quick to press his mouth to the slick opening, taking in the unique taste of Soundwave, his tongue delving inside to trace the slippery valve walls.

:Oh…! Trailbreaker…!: The telepath’s mental ‘voice’ was once again breathless as he tried to angle his hips up to gain more of that wonderful stimulation, dirty and intimate and nothing he’d ever experienced with any other mech. His hand tightened just a bit on the black mech’s helm, his usual timidity momentarily lost as he tossed his own head at the pleasure rising in him, centered where his thighs met.

Trailbreaker gave a soft chuckle, his voice low and sultry and pleased, and the vibration was nearly enough to make the blue mech shout, though he managed to keep a leash on his vocalizer-albeit with a great deal of difficulty. Finally, with one last slow lick, the strategist raised his head, wiping at the lubricant staining his mouth with one hand as he made his way back up along Soundwave’s body to press a tender kiss to the other mech’s faceplate.

“Primus, Soundwave, you make me so hot…” he breathed, rubbing his still-closed panel along one white thigh, feeling his spike pressing against it insistently, wanting out. “I need you so much…”

:Then take me,: Soundwave gasped, then, trembling at his own audacity despite the many times they’d met like this before, he slipped one hand between their bodies to caress Trailbreaker’s panel gently. That simple, almost timid touch was all it took, and the black mech’s panel snapped open, his spike unsheathing aggressively into Soundwave’s hand as he cried out in pleasure. The blue fingers automatically closed over it, and Soundwave stroked it a few times, feeling the mech above him quivering at the sensation, then, very carefully, he guided the tip into place against his warm, wet opening. Immediately, he could feel the blunt pressure of the other mech instinctively pushing inward, filling his achingly empty valve with the deliciously hard length.

Trailbreaker moaned at the feel of Soundwave stroking his spike, then guiding him into place(!), beginning to thrust inward as soon as his tip was seated properly at the blue mech’s welcoming entrance. He buried himself deeply into that slick heat, shuddering as it enveloped him fully, pausing for a moment to gather himself before starting to move in even, measured thrusts. Soundwave’s knees came up to frame his hips, hands coming up to clutch at him desperately as his own hips angled up to take as much of him as he could, moving in rhythm with him and making soft, needy little sounds of pleasure and want.

“Oh, ‘Wave…!” Trailbreaker gasped, feeling the telepath responding to him, reveling in how right it felt to be pushing over and over into that tight, wet core, in the way that his spike fit so perfectly inside Soundwave’s warm valve. It welcomed the invasion of his body, the smooth walls gripping his hard shaft as though it were made just for him. Pleasure burned within him, centered in the place where their bodies joined, spurred on by the way that Soundwave writhed and whimpered beneath him as much as by the steady push-pull of their hips. Nothing existed outside of each other and the white-hot, incomparable sensation of their lovemaking; nothing mattered except the way that they completed one another.

Both of them struggled to hold back overload, to make this last as long as they could. They knew that it would likely be a long time before they could be together like this again, but it had been so long, and the feeling was so intense, that it was impossible to put it off for long.

“Primus, ‘Wave, you feel too good,” Trailbreaker growled into Soundwave’s audio, making the telepath shudder beneath him. “I’m going to come inside you…I can’t hold back anymore…” He took a shuddering breath of his own. “Do you want that? Do you want to feel me spill myself inside you?” He moaned softly at his own words, his spike pulsing on the edge of release as he plunged in and out of the telepath’s soft opening a little harder and faster. Almost desperately, knowing that it would only take a few more strokes to finish him, he begged, “Please, Soundwave, please tell me you do!”

The only answer was a frantic nod, and then the blue mech stiffened with a strangled cry, hips bucking up into him, arms clutching him tightly, valve clenching around him in overload. Trailbreaker shouted at the sensation, managing a few more sharp thrusts, then the pleasure overwhelmed him, his shaft swelling just a bit more before it pulsed a final time, transmetal spurting from the tip as his release hit him, pouring liquid heat into his partner’s waiting valve. He shook through the overload above Soundwave, vaguely aware of the other mech slowly going limp under him as his own climax started to fade, both of them pressing their bodies as close to each other’s as they could manage.

Finally, the incredible pleasure began to recede, leaving him panting and spent in the telepath’s arms, nuzzling wearily at the side of the blue helm, laying tired, contented little kisses on the heated plating. Soundwave turned his head to nuzzle him in return, the center ridge of his facemask bumping tenderly against Trailbreaker’s nose, his visor dim and his expression sated.

The black mech chuckled softly. “Love you,” he said, his own visor dim as he pressed a kiss directly to the still-warm facemask. Soundwave merely sighed happily and made a soft noise of acknowledgement and agreement, snuggling closer, prompting another fond chuckle from Trailbreaker. As incredible as the interfacing always was, he looked forward to this part-the cuddling and snuggling afterward-just as much. It was a much-needed moment of calm for both mechs, and they indulged in it for as long as they could, though, after a moment, Trailbreaker did move off of Soundwave, worried for the telepath’s injuries.

Neither of them realized that they’d nearly dropped off to sleep in each other’s arms until Ravage’s sour ‘voice’ startled both of them.

:I hope,: she said acidly, stalking forward and glaring at them in disgust and disdain, :that I’m not going to end up with another sibling because of this.: Her glare sharpened and focused on Trailbreaker, tone growing silkily menacing. :Or rather, I better not,: she added, growling aloud.

Trailbreaker arched an optic ridge at her as he and Soundwave sat up, neither particularly pleased with either her timing or the manner of her interruption, though they knew that she would not have bothered them if they were not running short on time. “You know,” the black mech said companionably, visor narrowing at her dangerously, “one of these times we’re gonna do it, just to piss you off.”

Ravage pinned her ears back and growled again. :You wouldn’t,: she hissed, as Soundwave turned to stare at him in surprise. Trailbreaker just met the cassette’s red optics evenly, with no hint of faltering. Her ears flattened even further. :You would!: she said, her tone full of appalled accusation.

Trailbreaker just shrugged, then gave a leering grin. “And enjoy it, too,” he said, still in that affable voice. She growled at him some more, disgusted, not stepping it down even when her creator leveled a quelling look at her. Both larger mechs decided that just ignoring her was the best policy, and after a few moments of the pair of them pointedly not paying attention to her, she flopped down onto the ground with a huff and silenced her vocalizer, sulking.

:It’s time to go,: she pointed out unnecessarily, sullen and refusing to look at them. Trailbreaker sighed softly, but he levered himself to his feet with a grunt, reaching down to help Soundwave stand as well, steadying him for a moment once they were both upright, unable to resist holding onto him for just a little longer. The sudden question that the telepath directed at him, however, nearly made him fall down again.

:Would you really?: he asked, almost hopefully. Ravage’s head whipped up, staring at him in shock and astonishment.

:Soundwave, you can’t be serious!: she protested, yowling in anger as she gained her feet, but he ignored her, all of his attention on Trailbreaker, who felt abruptly tongue-tied.

“If-well, if you want to,” he stammered, his frame flushing with heat, and Soundwave gave him the closest thing to a brilliant smile that his expressionless face was capable of before ducking his head demurely.

:I…would like to,: he offered shyly, peering up at Trailbreaker from beneath the rim of his helm. He placed a hand over the black mech’s chest, feeling the vibrations of the suddenly racing fuel pump. :Perhaps, someday, we can,: he added, very very softly, trembling a little at his own presumption.

“Perhaps,” Trailbreaker echoed, stunned at the very thought, but he couldn’t say that he was opposed to it-not at all. He smiled tentatively. “Perhaps so,” he repeated, smiling wider and gathering Soundwave close, taking comfort in the blue mech’s proximity for just a few more moments before they had to part.

:You two are disgusting,: Ravage muttered, but they both pretended not to hear her.


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