Prize fic for twins-x-ratch contest

Dec 11, 2011 12:31

Apologies for how long it's taken to get this out, RL really came down on me the last few weeks >_> It's short but full of fluff, so I hope you enjoy!

Untitled ficbit for __wilderness__
Author: ryagelle
Rating: PG-ish?
Characters: Ratchet, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe

Summary: A cute little fluffy bit, set during Cave Canem shortly after the bonding while Ratchet's still flailing around trying to figure out what he's doing and the twins are dawwing over how adorafail he is ^_^

Sunstreaker was polishing his armor when Ratchet got back to his quarters-an empty paint canister suggested he’d just finished repainting himself, probably with his brother’s help.

“Vain creature,” Ratchet teased, pulling a cloth out of subspace and tossing it so that it landed on the yellow mech’s head. Sunstreaker gave him an evil look from underneath it, then balled it up and tossed it back. It landed squarely against his chest before he caught it and subspaced it again.

“Sides is gone on patrol,” Sunstreaker said, going back to his polishing.

“I know,” the medic replied. He found himself walking over and taking the polishing rag over Sunny’s protests-which immediately faded into a pleased sound when he picked up where the yellow mech left off. The need to touch his new bondmate, to fuss over and pet him, was a bit embarrassing in its strength, but the gratifying feel of Sunstreaker’s warm plating under his hands and the way his mate all but purred at the attention overrode any self-consciousness on Ratchet’s part.

An alien and slightly unsettling sense of warm pleasure invaded his spark, and it took him a moment to realize that it was Sunstreaker, expressing his joy both in Ratchet’s ministrations and in his need for contact. The medic only realized how foolishly he was smiling at the other mech when Sunstreaker flashed a grin at him. He ducked his head a little, but his smile grew wider, and the hand guiding the polishing cloth grew more tenderly caressing.

When he finished, Sunstreaker was completely relaxed, both of them sitting on the berth with the yellow mech leaning against him, optics dim in blissful contentment. Slowly, after a long comfortable silence, Sunstreaker shifted so that Ratchet was sitting in front of him, wrapping his arms around the medic so that he almost felt enclosed by the yellow mech’s body. It was a pleasant enclosure, though, and Ratchet pressed against his mate’s broad chest, helm tipping back to rest on Sunstreaker’s shoulder.

Sunstreaker sighed softly then murmured, lips almost brushing Ratchet’s audio, “I should get you to do that more often.”

Ratchet gave a quiet chuckle, turning his head a little to look at his mate. “I might be persuaded to make it a habit,” he said, smiling. The yellow mech gave him a startled but softly pleased little smile at that, making Ratchet feel even warmer than before.

“Mm, I’d like that,” Sunstreaker sighed, nuzzling the medic’s neck contentedly.

::You’re broadcasting,:: Sideswipe’s mental intrusion was pointed and startling, making Ratchet nearly leap away in fright, only held in place by Sunstreaker’s gently implacable grip. He didn’t sound annoyed, only bemused, but Sunstreaker replied with a sharp wordless backlash directed at his twin.

::Don’t scare him,:: the yellow mech added angrily. ::He’s not used to you just barging in on him.::

::I’m not trying to scare him,:: Sideswipe retorted defensively, but he sent a meek sense of apology to Ratchet anyway. ::I just wanted to let you know you were broadcasting, and it’s distracting,:: he added in a softer voice, clearly contrite at just how off-balance he had put the medic; he was so used to having another mech in his spark that he’d forgotten that it wasn’t something that just came naturally to his white bondmate.

Sunstreaker snorted at that, but Ratchet experimented with pushing reassuring toward the part of his spark that contained Sideswipe and was rewarded with the red mech’s pleased gratitude. The sensation was as addictive as his earlier need to touch Sunstreaker was, and he could feel Sideswipe’s soft laughter when the red mech caught on to it.

Sideswipe sent him something that felt like a warm caress, then said ruefully, ::As much as I’d like to spend the rest of the day indulging you, I think I’d better start paying more attention to what I’m doing. I’m being given the eye.:: He sent Ratchet another soft mental touch that almost felt like a kiss, then subsided until the medic could only get a vague sense of him in his spark. Ratchet burrowed into Sunstreaker’s plating, a little embarrassed once more that he was so deeply affected by the smallest things when it came to the bond.

“You’ll get used to it,” Sunstreaker murmured, nuzzling his cheek then pressing a gentle kiss to his mouth.

Ratchet smiled up at him wryly. “And in the meantime, I’ll blunder around like a newspark.”

Sunstreaker quirked a smile back. “Isn’t that part of the fun?”

The medic laughed, making his mate’s smile widen. “Yeah, I suppose it is,” he replied.

sunstreaker, fanfic, ratchet, cave canem, sideswipe

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