
Nov 13, 2013 00:08

So today I passed the 50,000 word mark on a story I have been writing for five years.  FIVE YEARS.

I decided to finish my Jewel Riders fic Heart Stone: A Tale of Tamara for NaNoWriMo this year (word count for the month as of today: 19,720).  Now, I have hit the 50,000 word mark before with another fic project (last year's NaNo project), but those Dragon Flyz fics were interconnected shorts rather than a single narrative.

Am I happy with everything written thus far?  Of course not.  But I've wanted to see this project through to completion for years now.  Kind of my little contribution to the Jewel Riders fannish community (small as it is!) on the web.  Unfortunately though, I think I've also been using this story as a mental crutch to prevent myself from starting anything really original.  (Sort of like a "See, you can't even finish that darn fic!  How could you see an original novel to completion?")  So NaNo provided a wonderful way to both look back and hopefully move forward with my writing at the same time.

The fic is ballooning to fill the provided time and space, but I really would like to have it completed by the end of NaNo (and not have it eat up half a year like all my Dragon Flyz fic!).  Then, I can clean it up and post the rest.   It's certainly not perfect, but I'm proud of it nonetheless. 

nanowrimo, fan fiction, writing, jewel riders

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