May 08, 2009 12:07
Eek. I've been rather spendy (for me) lately. Well, I promised myself a Taeyang after doing all that horrid computer training, and was bidding on a Shade (Sherlock Holmes!) on eBay, only to see it go higher than a brand new one from Pullip Style! So I gave up and just bought him there. Except I also pre-ordered Clarity, the new Pullip for May. She's really gorgeous in a Nicole Kidman/Edwardian kind of way. I think she and Shade will be siblings. And I see Jade shipped, so yay Pullip family is growing! :) I want to get one Pullip a month (Prunella for June, and Veritas for July) now, so that m
Yesterday, my Winx Casuals order came! There was Bloom, Flora, Stella, and Tecna (the recent casual line that has their basic Season 2/3/movie outfits that I love. They're a really cute line, and I really want Layla and Musa now to have a complete Mattel line. Anal collecting instinct go!
But then. THEN. I found Casual Italian Darcy for $30 on eBay from piero (Muscara). (Well, plus $16 shipping, but meh.) Darcy's casual was always my favorite of the Trix casuals, so half an hour ago she became the first of my Italians to have a casual counterpart, and bringing my total collection up to an even 12.
So I've got to stop buying things. May Moratorium for the rest of the month, perhaps? But I have to get Mother's day gift as well as birthday gifts. Heh, both my parent's birthdays, Mother's day, and Father's day all fall within two months, so money always ends up flowing out during this time period anyway. But no dolls/toys until June! :)
Also, I really want to go see Star Trek tomorrow night!