Having worked in a library for 4.5 years, I grew to really love the snarky online comic
Unshelved because it so truly depicted life in a library. I've always kept up reading it ever since. However, this struck a special chord of joy in me: a
"Pimp My Bookcart" contest put on by Unshelved. Some of the entries are incredibly awesome, so I encourage you to go check them out!
I have Practicum on Monday. Basically we have to demonstrate that we can administer give a consultation on one of four products (that we're randomly assigned to): either blood pressure, pulmonary (inhalers), smoking cessation products, or a medication/consultation. Hours and hours of studying for a 10 minute deal. DO NOT WANT. So you can guess what I'll spend this weekend doing. Aside from another choir performance containing one of my most hated songs, and leading out in the kiddie division too! JOY.