Mar 20, 2008 18:53
there's a movie. it's called 'the protector'. starring tony jaa. have you seen it? you should. i just turned on the tv, flipped to the HD channels and BAM! tony jaa, in a cute red hanky around his neck, is KICKING THE CRAP out of probably 150 dudes in black suits. these guys are just pouring in from all over and tony jaa is not just beating these guys up in the traditional sense of the phrase, but rather, in some abstract, crunchy multidisarticulational, nonstop orgasm, as if salvador dali and bruce lee got together and used in vitro fertilization to create this moment in the movie. i mean, i cant even begin to describe it without getting all amped and then i'd have to kick someone's ass. go see it.
and if you HAVE scene it, that's how i'm feeling about academically and personally right now.
whodve thought that committing to the study really pays off? i'm amazed. i got good grades AND passed the practice licensing exam at the end of the 1st quarter. found out this practice test covered more than what we learned in class, so i'm like totally souped.
just cant get lazy now.
this is exactly what i've been missing: the motivation. i just felt like crap in the sewer just getting by before. i was lost and apprehensive when work was done and i couldn't find anything else to do with myself. (except the obvious low five for that quick boost). i started eating a lot and was down in the dumps and just didnt feel positive in any aspect of my life. it feels like it was so long ago, but it really hasnt been.
so yea. quarter 1 is done: pWn3d! now into quarter 2 and the subject matter is getting way more interesting.
even been going to the gym, run/walking 25 miles a week now. would be sweet if i could run it all... but youve gotta start somewhere, eh? it's awesome how running helps me organize my thoughts and think through the issues with greater clarity.
i feel good. well. whatever. awesome? yea, that's a good word to describe how i feel.
get motivated! set goals! DO IT!
-do well in school - so far so good
-run/walk 20 miles/week - up to 25 miles/week
-eat less fast food - salads and sammich wraps containing spinach, carrots, for lunch each day.
- TURN 30 - not yet baby...