(2 posts a day, yeah whatever this one is public.the other one wasn't!)
Sooo if there's one thing I'm having the biggest trouble with than it's with my hair..
My hair is super straight, so it's hard to bring in volume in it..
Also I've recently cut my hair short, which makes it hard to blend in well with my extensions.. I've tried various hairstyles trying to solve this. (mostly for the international gyaru meeting) And here's the outcome:
Number 1:
Items used:
- 3 clipin extension clips
- shitload of bobby pins.
It's basicly a top bun with some extensions wrapped around it and then it's attached with bobby pins to that the ends of the extensions "float" down (boy I suck at explaining)
Issue: Nice hairstyle, especially if added a nice hairband or some sparkle clips.. But here I'm having trouble with the bun.. It just wouldn't stay up. So 15 minutes later it turned to this:
And it looked like shit.
Number 2:
I used different extensions for this one. Wavy Goldblonde ones.. The cornrows to the side were twisted, not braided. The top was just teased, and had no bobbypins to make it stay up..
Issue: Extensions didn't blend in nicely with hair due the different colors. Bcoz I didn't use bobby pins to make my hair at the top stay up, it fell down in a few minutes.
Soo I've changed the previous one to this one:
Number 3:
Ok I used my favorite extensions again and changed number 2 a little. I did use bobby pins to make the top stay and also made it higher..
I like this one the most,, but it's still not exactly perfect becoz it has these
Issues: The extensions still don't blend in well with my short hair.. it's better than it was before, but still my short hair shows up and makes everything look so fake. Also when you look at the back it's very messy (with the clip and all)
Soo if anyone, anywhere has any advice for these hairstyles.. It will be highly appreciated by me!
Thanks in advance <3