Mar 05, 2007 02:12
This weekend started off fuckin great.
And then it was all downhill from there.
I didn't get much sleep Friday night but it was oh so worth it. Work on Saturday was as textbook as it can get which made the day go really smoothly.
Practice was retarded but I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
I gotta say, having the cops called on us was alright last night....borderline cool. Having the cops called on us today was just fuckin ridiculous. It was all about the events after the cops left though. Shit really would've gone down for us if they hadn't come around. In a good way. We finally would've gotten our shit together (we were so there goddamnit!) and an audience at that. Stupid cockblock neighbors.
After that though it seemed as if my whole day was off. I was denied that final climax and it just messed me up. For some reason I ended up feeling extremely tired and cold for the rest of the day. This led to me not wanting to do anything but sleep which there was no time for cuz I still had a bunch of crap to do. I managed to get it all done though only to receive no appreciation at all and in return end up in the midst of a pointless argument that'll drag on in bitterness for the next couple of days or so. I hate being here, and I don't like being home. There, I said it. Happy? Didn't think so.
Such is life. I'll need some good meditation time to take this all in and sort it all out.
So now I find myself wondering once again what I'm still doing up at 2 in the morning. Especially after not getting much sleep on saturday night either. One day, I will get a good night's sleep. That should be my new year's resolution.
Fuck that. Resolutions are stupid. Especially when made in March.
At any rate, I'm disappointed...but not to the point of tears. That icon's going way too far.
Have a good week kids.
Peace out bitches