Bon Voyage, Little Buddy

May 10, 2009 22:08

I just got home from a Bon Voyage dinner party for Little Josh (enhydrasf), hosted by Michael (michael_arnold). Others LJers that I knew in attendance were kitchenbeard, nakednsf, and smiley_kiley, along with a few other friends of Josh's that I'd not met before. I haven't posted in here in probably a good year. But, I thought this was a good opportunity to get back on here, if only for a moment.

I just wanted to say that Josh was one of my first friends here in SF, and I have come to adore him to death. I am so happy for him and the incredible journey upon which he is embarking. At the same time, I am so sad to see him go, which is totally selfish of me. Nonetheless, I know we will always be friends no matter how far away he is.

Josh, I wish you and Christopher all the best. And, if you don't stay in touch, I'll have to come find you and give you a good smack!

XOXO, Little Buddy

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