Weekend Recap

May 18, 2007 10:03

It's Friday, which means I'd better do my recap of last weekend before this weekend officially starts.

Last weekend, I headed down to San Diego to visit Bryson (bnsd70).

I left after work on Friday, so it was a little late when I arrived in SD. Bryson picked me up from the airport and we headed back to his place. We decided to just stay in since we had a fairly full weekend planned.

Saturday morning breakfast was at Brians' American Eatery. Next, we went to get Bryson's hair cut. Then we spend the better part of the day walking from one end of Hillcrest to the other and back again. (Of course, there was plenty of shopping interspersed.) I got a new pair of boots, yet another Frank Lloyd Wright book, and some other various items. On my urging, Bryson got...

the gayest shoes... ever.

Shopping can really take it out of you. So, we had to stop for some yummy pot stickers before heading back to the house. After a brief rest, we got cleaned up and ready to go out. We headed to a birthday party for a friend of Bryson's, Joe, hosted by Brian and Tino, the owners of Brians' American Eatery, where we breakfasted. (It all comes full circle.)

The party was a blast. It was an luau theme, so everyone was dressed in "Hawaiian" shirts. The food was awesome and the evening was filled with old and new friends.

Henry (lj user="bearringsd">) and Bryson

Brian (lj user="kingfuraday">) and Bryson

Me, Brian, Matt, and Henry

We were enjoying the party so much, we decided to just stay there and skip going out afterward. Besides, San Diego's hottest were all at the party, anyway.

We got a little late start on Sunday morning. But, after requisite calls to the respective mothers and another trip to Brians' for breakfast (Parkhouse Eatery was way too busy due to Mother's Day), we headed to the zoo. Little did we know that it was...

Bear Awareness Week at the San Diego Zoo

Unfortunately, we didn't get too actually see many bears (of human or ursine nature). They all must have been napping after a long Saturday night. However, we were able to catch a few glimpses of a cute...

Sun Bear.

And, having brand new snow in which to frolic, we caught one of the Polar Bears...

giving us the full frontal...

...and the full backal.

I also snapped a couple more bear-related pics.

Bryson on a Silver Bear

Hungrrry boy

Of course, as much as we all love bears, there are other special animals at the zoo. Some of us love to watch the otters (and these go out specifically to one of my favorite of all, enhydrasf)...


...and sunning themselves.

One can also find some more common animals at the zoo. Here's a pic of one that is ubiquitous in most gay circles.

The Bearded Pig

After hours of walking, we decided to take to the skies for a brief aerial view of the sights.

Isn't this an awesome view?

After the zoo, we headed over to The Hole for some more fun. The place was full of hot men, many of whom I'd met the night before. We had so much fun.

Bears and Other Hot Men at The Hole

Brian and Me, Putting Our Heads Together

After The Hole, a bunch of us headed out for Xtreme Pizza to cap off the night. (Bryson, you'd better not have let that left-over ham, pineapple, and mandarin orange pizza go to waste.)

Xtreme Pizza

Although we tried to get to sleep fairly early, I'm just not sure there is an early enough time to hit the sack to feel rested for a 7:30 AM flight. But, Bryson got me there in plenty of time the next morning. I got to the office with 15 minutes to spare before my first meeting Monday morning.

I really want to thank Bryson for being a wonderful host and showing me such a great time. I thoroughly enjoy the time we get to spend together and look forward to much more.

pups, travel, shopping

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