If you were ever to read anything on my livejournal, please read this:
No election, whether fair or fraudulent, can legitimize criminal wars on foreign countries, torture, the wholesale violation of human rights, and the end of science and reason. He does not speak for us. He does not represent us. He does not act in our name.
The Grand Canyon
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a lot of those points you posted have nothing to do with politics so...who cares how the grand canyon was made. its a giant hole in the ground.
and it's not as if he is forcing his opinions upon us. he knows that he can't change our views. yeah, he's pretty damn religious, but he realizes that some people arent. like me. and you. so he tries to be fair. but no matter what, someone is going to be pissed. thats just how it goes. you cant please everyone. but hey, more people agreed with him than john kerry. so i guess the majority of the country will be ok with his decisions. (and don't tell me it was rigged. he won it fair and square)
as for the gay community,
he's NOT going to ban gay marriage. GET OVER IT AND SHUT THE FUCK UP.
and..umm...i agree with abortion--i am pro-choice, so i have no comment on that.
but again, most of those points have nothing to do with anything important. so explain why you felt the need to point them out.
i'm interested.
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i hate typing
cuz god damn u piss me off sometimes
im speaking on a greater level than just politics. im speaking about how each one of us views life. i understand why u wud think the grand canyon is fucking pointless. BUT ITS JSUT A FUCKING EXAMPLE! im trying to say that bush and many other christians just put religion BEFORE science.
he doesnt force any1 to be christian or believe wat he believes BECAUSE THE CONSTITUTION WONT LET HIM. Yet his views ends up changing society to favor christianity. FOR EXAMPLE HOMOSEXUALS AND ABORTIONS . and besides thati am 100% positive he wud force christianity to every american if he was allowed to.
u also mentioned how more people voted for bush....which he won fair and square. accordin to our constitution bush is president. yet no1 shud be allowed to be in power if they have such little respect for human rights.
so to answer you question more simply i pointed out these facts to show that bush cares more about religion than science and his religion impacts his views which impacts the world!
the constitution is good. and he doesnt infringe on it. so why do you care. its not like only RELIGIOUSBIBLEJESUS people vote for him. because come on, more than 50% of the country is not made up of religious fanatics. my dad is a prime example. he fucking hates religion and loves bush. (before anyone says anything, i did not inherit my politics. my mom is a liberal, so there is my proof.) anyways. bush is NOT turning america up-side down. youre overreacting.
how does he not respect human rights? (dont say abortion because i agree with you. give me something else)
in his own head, he thinks its wrong. but hes not going to ban it. too many people would be upset, and he makes decisions for the majority of the people.
bush's personal life is separate from his polical life.
and its not like he makes a decision and that is that. you forgot about the entire administration and how the entire..gov that has to pass it.
i mean, god forbid he actually DOES something about a crisis. unlike other presidents i know.
Look at the tens of thousands of Arabs we've killed in the name of oil.
Look at the constitutional amendment made to ban gay marriage.
Look at the terrorism "alert' system.
NOTE. Green means brown peopl are cool to hang out with
Blue means be suspicious
Yellow means don't invite them out with you
Orange means you should be scared of brown people
Red means they're about to stab you any minute.
Look at the social security, our generation won't HAVE any!
Bush has also over ridden the check and balances system by putting in an overwhelming amount of politicians that coincide with his beleifs in congress and supreme court seats.\is
and dude ur right about social security
and an estimated 100,000 people have died in iraq. both american and iraqi. 100,000!!!!!!thats like 6 hillsdales!
Tell Rosa Parks to walk.
Tell George Washington to find another continent.
Tell Martin Luther King Jr. to move to canada.
Serious, telling people to "get over it" is like telling a black man in 1940, "Hey, at least you're free."
Shouldn't we ALWAYS be striving for something better?
Is that so fucking wrong?
It's people like you that let monsters like him get into power.
meaning... more than half the country agreed with him and would rather have him than his opponent.
obviously, people are going to disagree. thats how it works. but in this case, that wasnt enough.
seriously, that was only my title. take it with a grain of salt.
PS See my title? Take it with a grain of salt.
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